thefriar07 asks
14 years ago
if Eliot randomly thought up a series of words, strung them together and decided to market it as a poem, after his release from the nuthouse
latest #6
EmilyP1 says
14 years ago
Ha. I think he said to himself, "How many obscure allusions can I pack in to one poem to frustrate English majors for decades to come?"
stjoseph says
14 years ago
I just commented about this on another string, but I think that the footnotes prove that there is intention to Eliot's words.
EmilyP1 says
14 years ago
Oh to be sure. I was just kidding.
Writergirl101 says
14 years ago
haha=) Kind of agree. I felt like he was being vague just for the purpous of being vague. There's really no need!
Writergirl101 says
14 years ago
It seems like the modernists just got so caught up in making themselves "different" tat they lost the true idea reaching the people!
thefriar07 says
14 years ago
o this was sarcastic to be sure, and the allusions add to the flair and magnitude of the piece, it is overwhelming though
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