His Food Blog says
15 years ago
HOOTERS for $10 lunch... is there still anything to see there? HAHAHA
latest #9
miccheng says
15 years ago
KKNN says
15 years ago
can see karcheng lah..above waist nothing to see
15 years ago
got show cleavage meh?
15 years ago
or an even better question
15 years ago
got cleavage meh?
KKNN says
15 years ago
alittle bit nia...see karcheng nicer
His Food Blog says
15 years ago
just came back... got cleavage la... but nothing much... agree that kar cheng better to see...
His Food Blog says
15 years ago
had the lambchop... it was ok... the steak and fish and chips tt my colleagues had was bad... and so was the curly fries - SUPER DRY n FLAT!
miccheng says
15 years ago
$10? Ok...
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