rickmahn says
16 years ago
Hello all you new Plurk friends - what do you think so far?
latest #15
DavidWard says
16 years ago
Plurk is interesting but takes more time than Twitter
tojosan says
16 years ago
makes me smile but not sure how I'd enjoy this type of streaming conversation.
DavidWard says
16 years ago
really just public IM but it's interesting...
16 years ago
True, just wondering if it's scalable on a people side... with just about 20 friends I have trouble keeping up.
tojosan says
16 years ago
i tried to get connected with about 20 just now. Let's see if any bite. But even with just afew going by it'd be hard to keep up.
16 years ago
Last night I had IM enabled, it was a constant stream of updates. Couldn't even read one before the next popped up.
tojosan says
16 years ago
I rarely connect things to IM. Not my preferred interface unless it is strictly one/one
16 years ago
Probably wise
16 years ago
infatuated, but wondering how crazy it might get
16 years ago
Same here - I just love how simple Twitter is. Easy to ignore, easy to jump in. Easy to use.
edemtim says
16 years ago
I'm afraid that Plurk is too distracting. More detailed discussions require more attention, which I don't have.
SandySantra says
16 years ago
there's no way to expand these little thread windows, is there? I'm scrolling too much.
rmsylte says
16 years ago
I'm with the Twitter simplicity!
dougpollei says
16 years ago
i like the ability to see the threads count next to the main post. this would be a nice twitter feature.
Sunil says
16 years ago
Dono buddy just joined btw what do you think is it cool or or just waste (LOL) of time
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