emmaincanada thinks
15 years ago
my karma is a little on the low side.
latest #15
15 years ago
I hate karma, they need to scrap it
Kaytabug says
15 years ago
or at least once you reach 100 lock you in there.
15 years ago
I was thinking Nirvana...that's good too.
Kaytabug says
15 years ago
it's just a sham. an elaborate scheme to keep you coming back for more.
Kaytabug says
15 years ago
yup one of the two!! I think it's bull it goes down after you work so hard to get it AND you loose it faster than you can gain it!!
15 years ago
you guys just inspired me to email them.
15 years ago
"I think Plurk is engaging and fun enough without needing a
15 years ago
traffic crutch like Karma to depend on user frequence of use. Personally, I'd like to see Karma not drop
15 years ago
past Nirvana level after you reach it. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way.
15 years ago
Kaytabug says
15 years ago
woot!!! you go girl!!
15 years ago
Emma was around!
BlueMomma says
15 years ago
mine was 0, but shot back up pretty quickly.
15 years ago
Mine is still really low....
15 years ago
Good to see you here Emma
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