Kevin_Delehanty is
15 years ago
wondering why plurk is cool. What am I doing wrong?
latest #7
cfox2 says
15 years ago
you need to build your PLN. Right now you are talking to yourself.
Lona says
15 years ago
I've asked for your friendship on plurk.
cfox2 says
15 years ago
keep adding more and check my welcome plurk. Many there have said hello. You could add them and check on their friends.
cfox2 says
15 years ago
another tech teacher was checking to see if someone else would also like to discuss The Giver.
15 years ago
You need more friends. BTW, I just finished reading The Giver w/ my class on Friday.
groovy says
15 years ago
get more friends: use other's lists, check plurk4teachers.pbworks.c... and
15 years ago
hang in there; add friends; you will see
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