niceandsweet 好奇
15 years ago
acer target netbook to grow >50% in 2010, far above industry expectation, why and how, anything overlooked by others?
latest #7
joh 分享
15 years ago
joh 分享
15 years ago
未來Acer將擔綱以新技術、效能為主的市場,而Gateway及Packard Bell,則將主打類似Apple的時尚潮流路線,至於eMachines,則會延續既有的低價入門級市場
joh 分享
15 years ago
走時尚路線的Gateway與Packard Bell來說,後者將只會在歐洲市場銷售,至於Gateway,則在已有基礎的美洲以外,將擴展到亞太市場,而旗艦品牌Acer以及走低價路線的eMachines,行銷範圍將遍及全球。
15 years ago
頗有友達併廣輝 後業績大成長的感覺
niceandsweet wonders
15 years ago
netbook market growth slowed down in the past two quarters, so the 50% acer said, is it "Intel netbook" only or with other solutions?
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