Junlin is
14 years ago
trying to embrace the O's.
latest #25
Joey.T says
14 years ago
Hohoho. Good Luck!
Junlin says
14 years ago
God will be faithful!
Joey.T says
14 years ago
Hmmms, yeahs! Dang! After collecting my report book for 2 days already, i stil feel so depress and demoralized!
Joey.T says
14 years ago
SHIT! I don't like that feeling.
Junlin says
14 years ago
give your sorrows to Jesus.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
How ?! he won't be able to solve it for me too.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
I've to do my own self-reflection on what I want in th future.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
I can't continue to have this kind of results. I'm sure to fail Ns' if this continues to go on.
Junlin says
14 years ago
how're you so sure He won't be able to solve it for you? By making this statement, you're not having faith. Haha.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
cos i can predict. i got 6 sense. ._.
Junlin says
14 years ago
have faith lah. Don't quit on the Lord.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
Nah. I didn't. But not everytime we can depend on th lord. We gotta depend on ourselves too.
Junlin says
14 years ago
that's doubt again. God doesn't only wana be our problem-solver. Do you have areas of your life that you don't need to worry about?
Joey.T says
14 years ago
Ehzxz, yes. MANY! ._.
Junlin says
14 years ago
don't need to worry leh.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
Have. But I forgot what. ._.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
Ohoh. My dumbness. I don't have to worry about that. :X LOL!
Junlin says
14 years ago
LOL! See, worry-free areas of your life are where you have allowed God to take control of.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
So what you meant was not to worry on anything, let God control luhr ? Hahaha
Junlin says
14 years ago
doesn't mean sit back and relax either. Maybe I give you a few verses. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
Hahah. I'm just kidding lahr! Obviously I won't sit back and relax lahr! I can't be so lazy.
Joey.T says
14 years ago
Laziness kills. && I can't let Larry see this. He said he gonna prove me wrong that laziness doesn't kills. which means, he said laziness ki
Joey.T says
14 years ago
Junlin says
14 years ago
haha. Then work hard, and work with God :-)
Joey.T says
14 years ago
I'm trying to. But I always lose motivation easily. ._.
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