wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
hi guy sorry that I have not typed in a long time with my dad's cancer and being a full time college student I have been very busy
latest #14
JonFromMN says
15 years ago
(wave) Welcome back!
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
ty good to see you both too
j4crew says
15 years ago
glad to see you!! How is your Dad doing??
IdahoMom says
15 years ago
glad to hear from you again!
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
so far he just found out that his cancer is gone, the doctor still does not think that he is completely cancer free because he has more most
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
agressive type of cancer so in one year he will have to go through the special chemo again but other then that he should be ok we will have
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
another test in 3 months
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
thank you for your concern
j4crew says
15 years ago
glad to hear he is doing better..... hope he continues to do ok
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
ty so much
notlwimp says
15 years ago
What kind of Cancer does he have? Has he only done chemo? My father is on Interferon therapy for Melanoma.
notlwimp says
15 years ago
Oh and welcome back!
wheresmytiara says
15 years ago
my dad had melanoma 10 years ago, but his currently been treated for bladder cancer
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