14 years ago
maths question :
latest #33
tvbaddict says
14 years ago
what ?
tvbaddict says
14 years ago
alisonliew says
14 years ago
total of 22 person in office.. 30% is mathematician.. need to hire how many ppl more to get 8/10 of MAthematician
alisonliew says
14 years ago
hahaha answer..tis question bothering me
♥PamElanessa♥ says
14 years ago
maths and i aren't friends. (LOL)
alisonliew says
14 years ago
same here... someone please help..
alisonliew says
14 years ago
im not smarter than 5th grader..:'-(
♥PamElanessa♥ says
14 years ago
ok lets try to solve this... 11 pple will make 50% out of 22 pple...
♥PamElanessa♥ says
14 years ago
so assume 6 pple is 30%... so nid another 2 pple!
tvbaddict says
14 years ago
♥PamElanessa♥ says
14 years ago
max 10 mathematicians
♥PamElanessa♥ says
14 years ago
already 30% are mathematicians, so must find out 30% is how many and how many more to hire to make 10
tvbaddict says
14 years ago
alisonliew says
14 years ago now is 22..and = 30% of current mathematician.. need to hire how many new ppl to get 8/10 of mathematician
alisonliew says
14 years ago
tvbaddict says
14 years ago
hire another 28 people
tvbaddict says
14 years ago
eh.. 22+11 .. hire another 33 lah
tvbaddict says
14 years ago
22 = 30 %, 44 = 60%, 55 = 75% close enuf lah
14 years ago
simple, use ((0.3x22)+X)/(22+X)=0.8 where big X is unknown.
14 years ago
you get X=55, so you hire 55 more people. (0.3 x 22 + 55)/(22+55) = 0.8
tvbaddict says
14 years ago
not total 55 ?
♥PamElanessa♥ says
14 years ago
gosh.... hahaha!!
14 years ago
yah wat, 30% of 22 is 6.6 ppl. you hire 55 more so 61.6 divided by 55+22 is 80%
♥PamElanessa♥ says
14 years ago
my maths phail, lol
alisonliew says
14 years ago
hahhaa me too...
alisonliew says
14 years ago
maths genius that make sense:
alisonliew says
14 years ago
70% = 15 ppl.., hence, to makeit to become 20% =15
alisonliew says
14 years ago
80%= ?
alisonliew says
14 years ago
80/20 x 15 = 60
alisonliew says
14 years ago
60- 7 = 53
alisonliew says
14 years ago
need to hire another 53 :-P
♥PamElanessa♥ says
14 years ago
14 years ago
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