thinkspace says
16 years ago
what's more eco-friendly, pencil or pens?
latest #10
16 years ago
I would guess pens, since they're more re-usable and last longer. Although pencils are bio-degradable...
thinkspace says
16 years ago
i'm thinking that pens are totally disposable and being made of plastic, they just sit in landfills forever
thinkspace says
16 years ago
pencils seem to grind down as they get sharpened and eventually decompose
thinkspace says
16 years ago
i'm thinking that it might be the lesser of two evils...
16 years ago
Except for how much wood goes into a single pencil. There is a huge amount of waste. And the graphite production is bad for environment
thinkspace says
16 years ago
graphite is not lead, so it's not as toxic.
thinkspace says
16 years ago
i'd have to believe that the energy used to create a wood pencil is less than creating a plastic pen.
ciordia9 says
16 years ago
a biodegradable pen made with little energy and resource would do the trick.
ciordia9 says
16 years ago
remember how bugs bunny taught us pencils were made. ;-)
thinkspace says
16 years ago
i just found a pen that is made from corn. i think that one wins.
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