~Sam~ shares
15 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/5023233_d5b01602c8107049610b6e53975b5ab0.jpg any comments? any good?
latest #29
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
the hair is ok
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
u need work on faces
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
haha okay thanks!
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
I need all the criticks I can get
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
same here
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
so i can punch them :-P
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
lol yah!
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
nah critics are important, as ling as they're fair
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
yes! They may not be fair but they are good!
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
true true
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
haha I want to see your poem so bad.
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
not thought ogf visiiting my site? the link is on my profile, some are even in my timeline i've posted it before too
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
oh well sorry but is your poem that you were talking about on ther
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
no but one other that had is a favourate of my fans 'new world' is and my personal favourate 'cherry' is too
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
I checked it out and left comments!
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
i know :-P
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
you left ONE comment
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
yah thats still a comment I love your peotry I am going to have to check it our later because I am doing school!
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
ok, i need lots of regular readers, so get more fans for me :-P
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
wait can you get me the link on here that way I can help you out
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
I got it posting on all my sites
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
:-)) hope you enjoy what you get I am not sure what you will get
Realmskipper says
15 years ago
better than nothing as long as its regular and positive
Ms Skellington says
15 years ago
cute =)
~Sam~ says
15 years ago
HAHA! I guess it is!
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