ShyGuy says
15 years ago
we are going to state volleyball! I can breathe again for a couple of days. Amazing how trouble parents are there to shake your hand then.
latest #10
Kameryn'sMaMa says
15 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS...Parents can be fairweathered friends
15 years ago
oh indeed! Some of them even fraternity brothers. That really makes me mad. I should have asked if it's ok I keep my job last night. lol
janeanedavis says
15 years ago
stay encouraged. Sometimes us parents forget our places and act like our kids.
Kameryn'sMaMa says
15 years ago
Isn't it easy to judge when you are not the one doing the work
15 years ago
Ya, we had the parent meeting a few weeks ago. the girls wanted to have it too and they have been great. I compared my job to someone...
15 years ago
farming. I said I may not agree when they decide to irrigate or how many acres of corn or soybeans they put in, but they put a lot of effort
15 years ago
and time into those decisions. They are professionals at those jobs. In the same way I spend hours planning and thinking so I do what I
15 years ago
think is best for the team and not necessarily the individual. Didn't leave things up for debate and we now have our goal ahead of a title!!
kaltenburg says
15 years ago
great analogy...way to go
Kath says
15 years ago
well said.
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