sgaitanos says
14 years ago
I can Sympathize with the narrator, Seems as if everyone is working against him.
waltabbyworld says
14 years ago
His story is so real. Some people really have it this way.
14 years ago
for me, it's easy to sympathize because the details are so precise and descriptive. I'm not finding it realistic at all. Maybe it's just me.
EmilyP1 says
14 years ago
I think it's realistic in the sense that Ellison created a world and obeyed its confines so the story makes sense, and in that the narrator
EmilyP1 says
14 years ago
is well written enough to seem like a real person that we as readers can empathize with. But in so far as this series of events unfolding in
EmilyP1 says
14 years ago
the real world, our world, that's absurd.