chrissayswhat asks
16 years ago
what is the worst thing you have ever eaten while drunk off your ass?
latest #21
Snailquake says
16 years ago
yoghurt that was being used to treat my mother's thrush.
litotes says
16 years ago
Food! :-&
16 years ago
16 years ago
For me, it was simply... pizza. But I think it had less to do with the 6-pack of corona I downed, and more to do with the 4 lines of coke.
16 years ago
Snail~ what is thrush?
Snailquake says
16 years ago
it's a vaginal yeast infection many women get.
Snailquake says
16 years ago
it can be treated by the application of live yoghurt.
16 years ago
i see! i never had yeast, but did have UTI. LE SUCKAGE.
Snailquake says
16 years ago
oh, I've had that. Agony to pee! Did you know cranberry juice clears it up completely?
16 years ago
yup. hate cranberry juice, so had cranberry extract pills.
Snailquake hates
16 years ago
it too. What a pity tea doesn't sort it.
jimhutchinson has
16 years ago
no memories of eating while drunk. I was after all, drunk. Now if only I could forget some of the other stuff I *did not do*
Mia Stella says
16 years ago
haha, probably a crayon, not a good idea, i definitely don't recommend it. . . .
16 years ago
Uh, you don't remember being drunk?? I remember being drunk, high on coke, blitzed on weed, stoned on weed, and zoning on pain meds.
16 years ago
they were actually prescribed tho
Snailquake says
16 years ago
mmm, pain meds. :-P
16 years ago
wasted on multiple substances (college in 1979) i ate chocolate & wound up in the ER. way allergic & took a stoned dare. idjit!
16 years ago
yes, BIG idjit!
Snailquake says
16 years ago
warg! :-o
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