oh no! *hopes for the best*
We don't know how Joe's dad is right now, but Joe's calmer now.
glad you could be there for Joe in spite of everything. *hugs* and *calm wishes*
we're working things out a little each day. today i saw him to talk for 2 hours, then for however long i was gone bcuz of that
right now we're changing our normal hang out times from 1.30pm to 12midnight to about 2pm to 9.30pm
so instead of 10 1/2 hours, its 7 1/2. but thats just a rough estimate
Best wishes for a speedy recovery .
we-re technically taking a break from sex and the like, and not spending as much time, but we are planning on getting closer again after a
For now, we are both working on the counseling-job-license deal, as well as getting our rooms together. Well, that last one is just me.
As well as the Night School is just me.
We'll be spending less time together as default when stuff starts going on, so we feel that if we can work into not seeing each other as
much right now will help us STOP SPAZZING.
Plus, once he's remedicated, he'll be less psychotic, same with me. We will see what happens, but we both say the same thing:
If it doesn't work out, at least we aren't married yet. We will be trying though, we just don't want to give up so quickly.
I repeat the fact that we're working on the counseling-job-license deal.
Also, i'll be going to the DMV in the morning, and soon be getting a car of my own, thanks to my father.
get into counseling. get a job. get a license.
i told him, if he did those three things, and i did those three things, we could work it out. but if he doesnt, then its a no-go.
well, it takes a bit to regulate into meds. we're taking a few weeks of downtime, casual time, then by halloween we should both be regulated