SilkCharm is
16 years ago
not liking plurk. I'm just not visual - can haz list plz?
latest #11
richard shares
16 years ago
kcarruthers says
16 years ago
mattbalara thinks
16 years ago
he's not getting it. Or maybe Plurk don't get it?
John doe
16 years ago
would suggest it need a list based view - make a massive difference
wonderwebby says
16 years ago
not good for dippage is it? :-&
Jo McLeay
16 years ago
Laurel, it took me about a week of plurking before I liked it; but now I am on both Twitter and Plurk
Tuna says
16 years ago
there is a list its just horizontal then vertical
schmediachick asks
16 years ago
so Plurk's more reliable than Twitter eh?
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