Kitto says
14 years ago
for once, i totally agree with Ian abt this.
latest #15
J0EY ! ;DD says
14 years ago
about ?
Kitto says
14 years ago
sorry, i cant tell u.
Kitto says
14 years ago
actually, i'm not sorry abt it.
J0EY ! ;DD says
14 years ago
okkays, it's okays .
J0EY ! ;DD says
14 years ago
in the first place, i shouldn't even hav such a curious mindset .
Kitto says
14 years ago
u dont just hav a curious mindset, u also hav a dirty mindset too.
Kitto says
14 years ago
and many more of which i dont want to say.
J0EY ! ;DD says
14 years ago
Don't act as if u noe wad kind of mindset do i hav . It wasn't as if idk myself .
J0EY ! ;DD says
14 years ago
you dunhav to say in the first place, like wad u said, you're NOT ME , dun assume you know .
Kitto says
14 years ago
blah blah blah. that's wad u are, and dont try to cover yourself and use my sentence, jerk.
J0EY ! ;DD says
14 years ago
stop calling other ppl a jerk when you urself is a jerk . Dis is NOT trying to cover myself, this is fact .
J0EY ! ;DD says
14 years ago
and if you hav nth to say, you cn jus end dis conversation , no one asks you to reply .
Kitto says
14 years ago
pls, the only jerk here is u.
Kitto says
14 years ago
must u make me remind u wad u did to "earn" the title Jerk?
Kitto says
14 years ago
a fact my foot !
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