Alright internet, packing it up. See you later America. I'll be back in a few months.
latest #9
i miss you already
America feels empty without you in it.
....I'm home. It's cold. There are big puddles everywhere. I saw the lights of the slaughter house late shift in Monaghan
I miss Kimberlee. She's the best part about America. That and the portions and the awesome hats
what about in n' out burgers? Oh, to reclarify, you were in Cali, not America. Both wonderful places but not the same. Did you manage to
get any of that good left coast chinese or thai food?
we didn't do any asian food, David doesn't like veggies, rice or pasta, I figured there was no point *shrug*
In n' out is in Nevada now too.
I'll try some more exotic food next time. This trip was mostly trying mexican food.
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