ejcooksey will
16 years ago
brb...2 yr old needs changed and my daughter is refusing to change his diaper. She is holding her nose and saying "No Way"! (g_lol)
latest #8
Amie says
16 years ago
you have a child who'd even consider it? wow. I am lucky if my husband will do 1 out of 10 diaper changes!
patricksweeney says
16 years ago
Man, in my house I think I did it 2/3 of the time.
patricksweeney says
16 years ago
I do not miss those days at all
ejcooksey says
16 years ago
she tired, but then started gagging so I took over. The look of horror on her face was priceless. (g_lol) wish I had my camera handy.
ejcooksey says
16 years ago
oops...meant she tried.
16 years ago
Desertnut says
16 years ago
Laurel Plum
16 years ago
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