returntowaldenpond wonders
16 years ago
if could act as an effective online portfolio to use on a résumé
latest #20
firefly_rosary thinks
16 years ago
for a very cool employer...
yeah ... people keep asking me for an online portfolio, but I have no idea how to do that crap. Srsly, everything I know about web stuff
I learned in, like, two days in Just!ce's class. haha. I don't remember much of that stuff.
firefly_rosary thinks
16 years ago
justice is like the yoda of that stuff.
yeah, pretty much. ^ - ^
everyone wants some internet based website or something. I actually don't have the interwebs at home, so I don't have access.
16 years ago
internet you must have.
Harbie says
16 years ago
I wouldn't say Justice is like the Yoda of Web stuff, probably more like Obi Wan or actually Princess Padme.
awww HELL naw, not until my husband and I split up. I'm not paying for him to look at pr0n all day long. Eff that.
LOL Princess Padme ... hehehe.
16 years ago
I still want to do "Graphic Designer" to the tune of "Paperback Writer" as a flash animation.
16 years ago
Yoda would know how to program a database with their eyes closed.
Harbie says
16 years ago
True that. But Justice does definitely have some Jedi skills when it comes to Web stuff.
I really ought to use my damn GI Bill and learn more about web shit ... I think that's why I never get jobs, 'cause I just know print stuff.
Harbie says
16 years ago
whatever you do, just stay away from video. That sh*t can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
dewd, no thanks. It's still all the way, man. ^ - ^ 3VOX2 !!!
Harbie says
16 years ago
I hear that, word to ya mutha.
firefly_rosary loves
16 years ago
video! X3!
16 years ago
Combat Crayon!
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