I ♥ Leeteuk says
15 years ago
i Hate SNSD!!!!they snap SJ award!!!!unfair !
latest #8
mypinkpumpkin says
15 years ago
good job! I loath them too!
I ♥ Leeteuk says
15 years ago
u like snsd arh?
mypinkpumpkin says
15 years ago
NO. Loath means hate. Hate them to hardcore!
I ♥ Leeteuk says
15 years ago
hahax..yaya..gv me 5...!!!i not statisfied the result!!y they can sweep 6 award..!!sj jux take 1 oni!!!!
mypinkpumpkin says
15 years ago
yeahxz. wtf.
Bestfriend小詩~ says
15 years ago
Me too.I hate them. They did a lot of bad things to SJ before. (angry)
Bestfriend小詩~ says
15 years ago
I think so. It's unfair.
15 years ago
uhhh. me tooo.
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