i think reading this and bluest eye is different in the way that this topic even more awkward but both is kind of hard to read
I think both situations were weird to read, this one is more of an awkward/uncomfortable situation where as bluest eye was just disturbing
and it really made you uncomfortable as well.
yes..it totally changes things because of the nature of the relationship...two guys weird us out...it's difficult for us to buy into
I actually found it easier to read Brokeback than The Bluest Eye. The whole rape scene was so disturbing and disgusting. Whereas in
i think bluest eye and brokeback mt. are both difficult to read in a way. however, it's not "as common" i guess you can say for a father to
Brokeback Mountain it was consensual between 2 people and it was a much less disturbing scene. Sure, the fact that it was 2 guys definitely
rape his daughter than it is for two men to engage in sex. at least there might be some "love" between them, not like in bluest eye.
threw me off, but after getting used to it I was fine with it
i agree with matthias it was much more hard (thats what she...well in this case he said) to read than the bluest eye, and a bit more
BM was easyier for me knowing that they wanted to have sex, unlike the rape.
yeah...i can see both points. It may be awkward for us...but, it also is a consensual act here, so not as much of a violation?
bluest eye was harder because it is unspeakable what cholly did to pecola and the author was much more descriptive about what pecola was
feeling. for instance "pecola whimpered in pain" or something like that. BM is not as descriptive
true...really there's only one paragraph that describes the act, and it's pretty abrupt