zyrcster asks
15 years ago
do you prefer Foursquare or Gowalla? I'm liking and using the latter much more lately.
latest #64
curiouskiwi has
15 years ago
never used either. :-)
15 years ago
haven't tried gowalla but I saw one of their vehicles on the road today.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
you should try Gowalla; the devs are in Austin. :-)
clickykbd gives
15 years ago
it a whirl. their "trips near you" seems really buggy. Harvard is near me?
15 years ago
15 years ago
i wondered how they would have so many austin items already.
15 years ago
zyrcster says
15 years ago
yea, the trips thing doesn't seem to be very localized yet. :/
15 years ago
I do like the move visible history of "people" at locations. That was one annoying thing about fsq.
15 years ago
though if it is just for your friends... fsq feels a little more pseudo-private.
curiouskiwi says
15 years ago
I don't get the point really. Why do people need to know exactly where everyone is all the time? (says the grumpy old one!)
15 years ago
do they create all the "items", or is it a bit like GNE in the real-verse?
15 years ago
curiouskiwi: no one does... the more fun ones have game like elements and the location awareness just how you play.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
I guess I like the game-like elements.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
although today while playing i was acutely aware that I was telling the entire world that I was not at home...
zyrcster says
15 years ago
... and inferring how long it would take me to get me based on where my current check-in was....
zyrcster says
15 years ago
...so if someone knew where I lived, they could just steal everything. :-)
zyrcster says
15 years ago
If they got past Abby, of course.
15 years ago
yeah there is that.. but that's been true since the earliest concepts of these things.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
I know!
15 years ago
Only publishing to non-public places would be the way to go... fsq can do that if you are careful. Gowalla, not so much.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
I mean, I'm not freaking out about it, it just seems weird sometimes. ;-)
15 years ago
g-latitude with only your friends added etc etc.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
these games would be more fun with a local circle of friends anyway.
15 years ago
gowalla could also get borderline stalkerish... if they know your patterns, they can look for you online first.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
yea, because someone might want to track me down to ask how group invitations work. Or why the API isn't opt-outable.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
15 years ago
does not have a critical enough mass of friends in austin that would be up to these kinds of things... one or two.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
or maybe they will stalk me at Starbucks to get their camera added to the findr.
15 years ago
but have enjoyed amassing mayorships and badges in fsq, don't know about all these other game enhancements.
15 years ago
fsq is posting to my twit, but if that were friends-only, or I turned off the posting there, slightly private result (at obfuscated)
curiouskiwi is
15 years ago
laughing at the thought of Criz being stalked to get Flickr Help. :-)
15 years ago
my good local friend Eric just joined 4sq via an android phone though, maybe there is some usefulness on the horizon?
15 years ago
now see, if you could make your own items in Gowalla... that would be fun. Criz could leave ranbows and pandas everywhere.
15 years ago
rainbows even.
15 years ago
people could have "calling cards"... rather than a visitor history... would be more fun to decipher.
15 years ago
and you could change your card if someone you didn't want stalking you figured it out.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
hahahah I'd love to leave pandas everywhere.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
where the fuck is support for gowalla? it says i checked in somewhere that i never visited.
15 years ago
see. maybe Gowalla should hire me as a consultant.
15 years ago
you should also as a user be able to erase your history trail at any time when it becomes an issue.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
yea, that's what I'm trying to do with this one site i never checked in at.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
I guess i'll email them.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
since twitter is down.
15 years ago
if need be... I can harass them in person for you. ;-)
clickykbd is
15 years ago
off to go have some beverages and maybe collect this item: gowalla.com/icons/421925
15 years ago
though I don't know how he strayed form SF? ;-)
zyrcster says
15 years ago
zyrcster says
15 years ago
yea, you know how to find 'em!
zyrcster says
15 years ago
I also asked if they could add pandas and rainbows to drop, and left a link to our panda page. :-D
striatic says
15 years ago
trinkers uses foursquare. these services aren't REALLY about letting everyone constantly know where you are, that's a side effect.
striatic says
15 years ago
the actual purpose is to get a general idea of where your friends are going and discovering new places through them.
striatic says
15 years ago
the real-time aspect is just the simplest way of putting that information out there.
15 years ago
i.e. just another crowd-sourcing idea about building localized data based on user recommendations and reviews.
15 years ago
you could say Yelp! is a different approach to the same problem, without the real-time-on-location aspect.
15 years ago
though the Yelp! iphone client changed that dynamic a bit.
striatic says
15 years ago
yelp isn't really social in the same way. you're putting out reviews to the masses more than giving your friends a semi-active heads up.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
and they turned down a half billion dollars. sheesh.
clickykbd thinks
15 years ago
that stri has not crossed paths with any yelp socialites... Oh boy do they exist.
striatic says
15 years ago
that's different.
striatic says
15 years ago
i'm sure there are yelp die-hards, and they collaborate and compete and interact or whatever, but that's not like sharing tips with friends.
zyrcster says
15 years ago
but everyone on teh intarwebs are freindz
15 years ago
Zyc is are drunken? ;-)
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