-Barry chose to finish his presentation by using a summary, which is a short statement of your main points.
Another option is a conclusion, which is a result of all the information you've presented.
Barry's summary includes the main points from his talk about the possibility for sales growth in rural areas.
Barry also made some recommendations.
-Other ways to introduce your summary and recommendations are:
I'd like to end with some recommendations.
I'd like to recommend that....
I'll finish with a summary.
-Barry finishes and lets his audience know what he wants them to do by asking for questions:
That's all I have for now. Are there any questions?
I'll answer any questions now. Does anyone have any questions?
-Here Denise does two things - she restates something Barry said then asks him to clarify it.
When asking a question, it's a good idea to state what you think the speaker said, so everyone knows what the question is about.
-In his answer, Barry does two things. First, he shows that this isn't his area of expertise by saying 'My understanding is'.
He is getting the information from somewhere else. You could also use phrases like:
-Second, he checks whether Denise is satisfied with his answer by asking:
Does that answer your question?
-Denise restates what Barry said then asks for more details, which lets everyone know what the question is about.
-One way to get someone to say more about his point is to ask for clarification. This is what Lin does by saying,
'Sorry, could you say that again? '
-We also use the following phrases to ask for clarification:
So you're saying that....
So, are you suggesting that...?.
-Notice how Barry uses different words when he answers Lin. If someone asks you to clarify or repeat,
you should rephrase what you said instead of saying the same thing again.
-Denise adds her opinion by saying 'In my experience.... '
-The person giving the presentation is in control, and should signal when he is finished. Barry does this by saying,
'It looks like we've run out of time, so we'll finish up here. '
-Other phrases used to end a presentation are:
Are there any more questions?
I think we'll wrap up now.
We can take one more question.
Time for one last question.