ChuMei says
15 years ago
to lina, aderic & xianhui & adrian are all diff ppl arhhx! but got one similarity, dey are all my korkors :-D
latest #9
Em0bOiix3 says
15 years ago
oO hahah
MeiZheng (!) says
15 years ago
[{BeRnArD}] says
15 years ago
i duno lina is boy and is ur korkor sia!~ lols
Liinii_ says
15 years ago
WALAOHS. waitwait, ONG CHUMEI YOUR 语病 VERY 严重 siaa!!! argh.
Liinii_ says
15 years ago
i should explain why she said tht... just now went to cchy and we saw adrian, thn i forgot his name, so i first guessed xianhui, WRONG,
Liinii_ says
15 years ago
thn guessed aderic. STILL WRONG. thn chumei told me is adrian thn i rmb lo. lol.
MeiZheng (!) says
14 years ago
LOL. Hahaas.
[{BeRnArD}] says
14 years ago
so wat's the linked between calling u kor and forgotting the name lehs?
Em0bOiix3 says
14 years ago
o.o weirdo.s WA SO LONG AGO DE PLURK
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