mail kan jarang bljar . .
ben brda d jalan sng bner c,,,
menegebom omah e plecky . .
ih . .mas pleck . . .omongane kasar men . .
perlu d santap
rak pnen wekkkkk . . .
malah wonge mlongo kyo ketek ketulup
sg mlongo ki kwe pleck . .
spo sg maling??? eh . .jgn maen asal tuduh gtu mas . . laporin kak seto nich , , ,
ih . . . .emg situ pny hp????
hansipe wae kan sg ng ngisor mu kui mas noebil . . .
hansip po???mw pas hotspotan wae di usir satpam malah
diusir pst lngsung ngibritt mblayuu . . . .
hkakakakakakakakakkakakakakakakaka . . . . . mas pleck . mas pleck. . . .sokurrrrrr
he e mas pleck . . .aq ngko sg yasini . . . .rak sah emosi ngunu mas pleck . mundak genteng'e ilang . .
hohohohohoho . . . .mesakke men to mas pleck kwe . . . .
rak nagis mas . .banjer ngko unnes , , ,
ehh,,,ehh,,,mas pleck nesu . . . .
orak,,,ra iso konek laptope,,,msok laptop di wolwk wlik,,ben sinyale mlorot
hahahahah . . .aneh" wae . . .diunjukke to men rak mlorot . .
kog'e ki loh,,,laptop di wolak walik,,,
oalah . . plecky . . plecky. . .
ngunu2 yo mantanmu wae,,,sa'ake,,
uripe ws nelongso malah tambah nelongso
asyik . .si pleck kalah . . .
wah nek ngunu senang di atas penderitaane orang,,,pamali tch,,,
halah . .mbi plecky wae kok . . hohohohoho . . .
segitune ik,,,dendam tah piye kro plecky
jo dendam kro cahe,,,hidup sebatang kara mslhe,,,ra duwe konco
ben ah . . .biar lgkap pnderitaane . .. .
kn mengko ga kyo pepatah tow
wes ah mas. . jo ngomongke mas plecky meneh . .cah 'e nesu mbi aq kae lho . .
ra iso nesu,,,lha di usir wae ga iso ngumung po2 ok