out of 100 "friends", only two noticed that I was offline for a few weeks, which is kind of eye-opening.
be sad to see you go. But hope everything is ok
and regarding Snowglobe:FE... many people promised to help, but none of them came up with anything. so it's not a community effort at all.
probably fiddle with my own viewer, but not share that any more.
and stick to the few people in SL, who actually mean something to me (and where that is mutual)
*goes to connect on other levels fast*
too many users. too many demanding people. too few, who actually contribute without financial interests.

even though you are not around that much you know I will miss you here
gah serious one, I know I don't contribute shit.. but plurk is for fun
and for the moments you can be around it'll be fun seeing you around a little
just don't expect people to miss you on a fast platform like this, laugh when you can and cut out the negative
and no this is not a butt kicking
that one will follow in PP
KaliM you are one of the two persons, and you know it
does like your plurks when they spring up
I had noticed but thought it was cause I haven't been on plurk as much as to in world I don't have you there and I've actually been in less
There also but I agree plurk is more for fun then anything else enjoy it when you can also it super sad to know things fell through with
Your viewer I heard a lot of good things about it even if I hadn't used it myself but I am trying to stay with "offical" viewers after
My invo loss and ll closing my ticket because I wasn't on an offical viewer
weirdd, I'm showing you plurking pretty consistently every few days, maybe the dates are off. Sorry for not noticing but I have a LOT of
people on my timeline and I miss a lot of plurks from ones that are on every day. Hope it gets better though. I didn't know at all about the
thank you guys! you seem to be the few gems here
thank you LADIES, I meant.
G'morning. I had noticed you got quieter but I also assumed it was the holidays and RL, I know I missed quite a few plurks from being ill,
computer woes, and RL myself. I don't always respond to everyone and have to MAAR occasionally but I try. Hope you have better luck with
your viewer. There's always room for improvements to those lol.
I noticed but I figured it was because of the holidays... spending time with the family .. rl importance.. just won't be the same if you go
you shouldn't say bye completely .. there's many of us here who would miss your plurks.. I think this plurk proves that
Um, I totally wasn't your friend yet while you were gone....sorry!
thought it was just the holidays!
i noticed too but assumed it is RL keeping you busy. i know we never talked really but i noticed that there were no plurks