_Pastaaa says
14 years ago
latest #350
14 years ago
what is it,fratello!? *rushes to and jawdrops*.....s-sorella?
14 years ago
fratello! *sobs as she rushes over to you, still in her baggy male clothes* look at these! *grabs her own chest*
14 years ago
14 years ago
Feliciano...*staring, eyes widened* y-you caught that strange STD..
14 years ago
14 years ago
*sobbing, as she's obviously scared* Gilly gave it to meeee! ;A;
14 years ago
14 years ago
*feels Germany's stare and slowly turns to him*...v-veee
14 years ago
...*blushes* W-what happened??
14 years ago
*is now a smaller, pretty woman, but she looks shit scared as she thinks Germany is angry at her* I-I don't know *voice is quiet and softer*
14 years ago
*would have thought your voice would be shriller for some reason* *blushes a bit as he has to stare down even more now* D-did you have
14 years ago
contact with a pitchfork or something?
14 years ago
*shakes head and bites at her lower lip* it was Gilly....ve...*starts fidgeting with her fingers*
14 years ago
*frowns, having accepted the pitchfork-thing, but this...* How... how did he...? *blinks, putting his hands on your shoulders, worried*
14 years ago
Are you okay?=
14 years ago
Er...she *corrects you and looks up with big eyes under her bangs nervously* I'm okay! Just...weird *pats at her new chest*
14 years ago
What did _she_ do? *tries not to look at you touching your chest*
14 years ago
*still touching them as she rests her pams over each one and looked sheepish* err, we...I...did stuff?
14 years ago
*feels his brow knit in worry and rising anger* What kind of "stuff".
14 years ago
*chuckles nervously* erm...we...rubbed
14 years ago
Elaborate. *stern*
14 years ago
...*raised a hand and wriggled her lithe fingers* used my hand...on her...
14 years ago
*raises his chin at that, giving you a "you'd better not be kidding me"-look* Just that?
14 years ago
*looks shifty and nods, making her ponytail and curl bounce* si!
14 years ago
*raises an eyebrow, giving you THE look* Really?
14 years ago
....*smirks, which looks weird on her innocent face*
14 years ago
*narrows his eyes, then grabs your curl between index finger and thumb* Don't make me do anything you don't want me to do...
14 years ago
!!! *face immediatedly goes red and she whimpers* Germanyyy!
14 years ago
*raises his eyebrows* Well?
14 years ago
w-we....*whines softly* we kissed too...and I touched her...chest
14 years ago
...And? What else?!
14 years ago
n-nothing! *squeaks* ;A;
14 years ago
Are you sure?!
14 years ago
14 years ago
*lets go of the curl* Alright. *nods* ...And that turned you into... a girl?
14 years ago
*shudders and rubs the base of her curl* seems so....*looks down at her new body*
14 years ago
*wonders why he didn't turn into a girl again then*
14 years ago
*prolly will if you fuck feli =u= idk))
14 years ago
*pouts at you* meanie!
14 years ago
*raises his eyebrows* You wouldn't tell me otherwise.
14 years ago
No need to hurt me! *sniffles*
14 years ago
*frowns* That... didn't hurt you, did it now.
14 years ago
It /did/! *pouts at you with big eyes*
14 years ago
*narrows his eyes* Fine, well, I'm sorry. Happy now?
14 years ago
Hmph! *crosses her arms* you don't sound it.
14 years ago
14 years ago
*because she crossed her amrs UNDER her newly aqquired bosoms, she accidentally pushes them up, making them plainly obvious*
14 years ago
*thinks they're cute and can't stop staring at THEM*
14 years ago
...what is Germany looking at?
14 years ago
14 years ago
*stares at her own chest* what about them, ve?
14 years ago
W-well, they are there... for men - like me - to look at.
14 years ago
....*doesn't realise her own were for..sexual things and starts to paw at them curiously* they don't do anything...but they jiggle a lot...!
14 years ago
D-don't... *remembers the "massage" he offered to Gil earlier* *bites his lip, knowing it'd work even better on you, somehow*
14 years ago
Hmm? =w= *pawpaws at herself still* kinda fun....
14 years ago
*sighs* Fine. I'll show you. *drags you away by grabbing your wrist and pulls you into the nearest deserted alley*
14 years ago
huhh? Where are we going? oAo
14 years ago
Somewhere where we won't be watched. Stand there. *points to a spot* And don't move! *moves behind you*
14 years ago
*stands still curiously, blinking at a wall as you move behind her*
14 years ago
*moves his arms around you, moving up flush against your back as his hands settle carefully on your breasts*
14 years ago
Ve?! *looks down at your hands covering her breasts*
14 years ago
*starts moving them slowly, giving them a gentle massage*
14 years ago
*blinks, still watching your hands, a light flush rising on her cheeks*
14 years ago
*continues as he does not get told to stop, movements getting bigger, with longer strokes*
14 years ago
U-uh...Germany.....*liking this feeling you were giving her and hooks a hand behind her against your tummy*
14 years ago
*kisses the nape of your neck as he rolls your breasts against each other*
14 years ago
*her breath hitches at this and she lets one eye drop close as she resisted the urge to whimper out loud*
14 years ago
*slows down again, not wanting to actually DO it in public... even IF this is some deserted alleywaY*
14 years ago
*whimpers softly, glad you slowed down as she was sure she would happily flops to the ground gasping*
14 years ago
*slowly lets go of you and puts his hands on your hips, waiting for you to calm down*
14 years ago
*shivers as she feels a tingle down below, and shakes her head* ....T-that was good, ve...
14 years ago
*smiles softly, more to himself* Thank you... *clears his throat* Now you see, THIS is what they want me do... and more.
14 years ago
*turns around to face you, showing that her face was flushed* who are they, Germany?
14 years ago
Y-your breasts... *pokes them a little*
14 years ago
......*looks at them, not minding you poking them*...they spoke to you? oAo
14 years ago
....*STARES, dumbfounded* Um, not with words...
14 years ago
*moves her hands up to cup at her breast and squishes them up, obviously trying to hear them somehow* ...ve...speak to me too!
14 years ago
*chuckles* *pats your head* You have to listen closely, but not too closely, they are shy.
14 years ago
*squeezes them sadly as she looks up to you again* why are they shy...? I owe them...
14 years ago
Huh? You owe them? for what?
14 years ago
....They are mine, are they not?
14 years ago
yes? But what do you owe them? What have they done for you? ((I am not mixing up verbs here, am I? ;A;? ))
14 years ago
((..i think you are...cos I used to mix up owe with own a lot))
14 years ago
as far as I know, to own something means something belongs to you. *checks dictionary* ))
14 years ago
ah, lol, "my own" ))
14 years ago
They...gave me nice feelings?
14 years ago
my owe doesn't work.))
14 years ago
*chuckles softly* Did they... I thought it was my hands on them
14 years ago
((hmm =u=;;; I only recently got told I mixed them up and I feel such a retard ...))
14 years ago
*flushes and looks down* they helped out lots~
14 years ago
you REALLY confused me there... but my dictionary says I'm correct. ;A; ))
14 years ago
*kisses the top of your head* I'm glad it didn't make you feel weird.
14 years ago
((well if you own something, it means like......actually I am confused too ;3;-))
14 years ago
14 years ago
XD I own a book and you owe me a reply.))
14 years ago
*giggles and presses her chest against you* it gave me a weird feeling below though, ve...
14 years ago
((...yeah like that....ughh))
14 years ago
*pats* ))
14 years ago
*blushes* D-did it now...
14 years ago
*nods* it was a nice sort of weird though...like...*trying to describe it*
14 years ago
...l-like butterflies? m-maybe?
14 years ago
Yeah, ike that! =w=
14 years ago
*smiles and kisses your forehead* That's good.
14 years ago
*grins and clings to your front* it's fun being a girl~
14 years ago
*smiles and ruffles your hair* I'm glad you are not... appalled by it, then.
14 years ago
Why would I be? ve...*scrunches her face up at the ruffling*
14 years ago
*shrugs* I don't know, some were shocked to their bones
14 years ago
It's nice! I lost my dick and got boobs instead! *of course she is touching her breasts again*
14 years ago
*sweatdrops* Y-yeah, you also got a vagina... which can feel nice, too.
14 years ago
*looks blank then*...A va--? OH! This! *touches down herself down below*
14 years ago
Y-yes! This!
14 years ago
*getting uncomfortable*
14 years ago
*stops touching as she sees that look you had, knowing it from somewhere and she frowns* what's wrong?
14 years ago
M-maybe we should go somewhere more private and... warm to... um, talk about your new body more?
14 years ago
Sure~ where can we go, Germany?
14 years ago
*was about to say his house, but remembers that Gil would probably be there* Um... h-how about... your house?
14 years ago
*wonder if Rome lives at her house now since ahe gave it to her grandpa when she moved to live with Gilly and you* Okay, I think grandpa's
14 years ago
14 years ago
*he would be if Gil was at home now...* M-maybe we should go somewhere else then?
14 years ago
*pauses*...like where? I think everyone's all home...unless we go to Spain's house!
14 years ago
N-no! Not there. W-we could go to a hotel or something...
14 years ago
I have no money, Germany...*gives you a pout*
14 years ago
I have... some. And I think I remember a cheap one. *frowns, wracking his brain* ... *takes you by the wrist again and drags you off*
14 years ago
Ve! *dragged off to whatever hotel you were taking her to*
14 years ago
*drags you to a little, REALLY cheap looking hotel around the corner and demands a room, earning first a confused then a knowing look from
14 years ago
the man behind the reception* *takes the key before he can say anything EMBARASSING*
14 years ago
*too busy looking around to see the knowing look, happily admiring the odd wallpaper*
14 years ago
*drags you upstairs a fly of steps, unlocking the door to the room and locking it behind them after you're inside*
14 years ago
*wanders around their room, walking past the bed* Ve...it's so small....
14 years ago
*puts the keys on the nightstand* Better than nothing...
14 years ago
*happily jumps onto their bed, landing in the middle perfectly, flopping onto her face*
14 years ago
*shakes his head, hoping it is clean* *takes off his jacket and hangs it properly over a chair*
14 years ago
*slides under the covers, giggling as she disappears under there*
14 years ago
You child... *kicks off his shoes, before he joins you there, tickling your sides*
14 years ago
!!! Vee! *laughs out loudly, wriggling to escape your torturous fingers*
14 years ago
Oh no... *tickles more and pulls you closer, hands slipping under your shirt to tickle your bare belly*
14 years ago
Ahh! You meanie!! *laughs even more, squirming against you as she tries to push your hand away*
14 years ago
*pulls your behind close to his crotch, playfully moving his hands up until they land on your breasts, where he stops tickling*
14 years ago
*her laugh peters out as she calms down, trying to breathe normally as you had stopped and she looks dwon at your hands* ve...
14 years ago
*pinches your nipples playfully again and kisses your nape while he does so, tickling and rubbing your breasts again*
14 years ago
....A-ahh...*squirms as she blushed at the nipple teasing, that tingle returning down below*
14 years ago
*continues teasing your breasts, rolling his thumbs over the pert nipples, lapping over a spot on your neck*
14 years ago
*curves her back against your torso, pressing her backside into your crotch firmly as she groans out*
14 years ago
*moans at that, squeezing a nipple a little too tightly maybe*
14 years ago
V-ve! Ger~many...*whimpers at the short pain, but she continues to slowly rub back against you*
14 years ago
*massages your breasts with his whole, big hand again before sliding one down between your legs, rubbing through your clothes*
14 years ago
!!! *eyes wodens at your hand down below, clearly not done that before so the tingling came back, making her whimper*
14 years ago
*slightly nervous* Does that feel good, too?
14 years ago
*nods, eyes shut as she blushed* H-hm, si...*proves it by rubbing back against your hand, lifting one leg up slightly to give you toom*
14 years ago
*waggles eyebrows at the typo* ))
14 years ago
*gasps and rubs more down there*
14 years ago
((,,lmao I did not catch that fucking typo))
14 years ago
*curls a hand into the sheet, whimpering loudly at the strong feeling*
14 years ago
*basically holds you flush to his body, liking the feeling of it so much that he has bodily evidence pressing against your bum*
14 years ago
*felt THAT and gulps, remembering how big you are, but instead of being nervous like during their first time (as male) she felt the opposite
14 years ago
wanting that insiode of her, and so she rubs back against you, a hand sliding down to your hip, gripping it*
14 years ago
*feels his breath hitch and slides both of his hands to your fly, pushing down your pants, leaving on your underwear for now*
14 years ago
*looks down at your working hands, feeling her heartrate pick up in excitement, her barely covered butt rubbed against you even more,
14 years ago
proving how much she wanted you*
14 years ago
*takes a deep breath* S-so... you know what your breasts do... so this *touches your labia through your panties* is your primary sex...
14 years ago
//practical sex ed with germany))
14 years ago
14 years ago
I...I see...*sounds breathless as she tried to calm down*
14 years ago
*shifts his hand to slip it inside your panties, looking over your shoulder as he does so* *gulps a little as he boldly touches there,
14 years ago
feeling your wetness on his fingers* And this... this is the woman's natural lube, that starts flowing once she is sexually aroused...
14 years ago
....*blinks at this*...that's handy! *trying to sound her usual bright self, but she's too aroused to pull it off and wriggles slightly*
14 years ago
*smiles broadly, fingers slipping deeper* See, it comes from here... *brushes over your entrances, upwards to your clit* And this *presses*
Germany is
14 years ago
your Clitoris.
14 years ago
! *does a soft yelp at that, a jolt of pleasure shot up her body*...W-what...
14 years ago
Th-this is the woman's equivalent to the men's penis... *rubs it more*
14 years ago
I..it...*squirms as she whimpers, flushing* it f-feels good..
14 years ago
*nods* It's a bunch of nerves, concentrated in one spot so that when I brush against it *does so* it feels good so this *shifts his fingers
14 years ago
back to your opening* gets wet and ready for this. *rubs his growing erection against your backside*
14 years ago
*squeaks at your fingers going to those places and blushes at feeling your erection* ...O-ohh...I like the sound of that...
Germany wonders
14 years ago
*leers, smirks, then blushes at your directness* Y-yeah... well, and since you know this *his erection against your bum* is big, I will do
Germany wonders
14 years ago
this first... *pushes his middle finger inside that warm, wet opening and starts wiggling it around*
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
D: ))
14 years ago
*squeezes her eyes shut, swallowing roughly as she closes her legs around your hand* ve.....
14 years ago
14 years ago
*squeezes your breast as he wriggles more, quite unable to move his hand further* *laps on your neck, spraying kisses there*
14 years ago
*utters a shuddery groan at this, liking how these breasts are suddenly useful to her and she lifts her head to try kiss at you*
14 years ago
*kisses your cheek, craning his neck to kiss your mouth, it's too far away* *pulls you closer against his body with the hand down below*
14 years ago
G-Germanyyyyy....*her hand on your hips slips boldy down to your ass and she squeezes at it as she licks at your jaw*
14 years ago
*moans at that, boldly slipping in a second finger*
14 years ago
*lifts up her leg again and thrusted forwards, breathing heavily against your skin as she lapped at it*
14 years ago
*thrusts back, pushing you forward onto the bed, fingers buried deep inside you as he starts rubbing against you*
14 years ago
*clings to the sheets instead, squeezing your hand between her legs, panting heavily at the new sensation which made her weak*
14 years ago
Oh Gott... *growls and chews on your neck to occupy his mouth, while his hands keeps on working inside of you, his erection straining*
14 years ago
*can feel herself getting wetter due to your working fingers, and she whines loudly, shuddering at your marking*
14 years ago
*suddenly pulls out his fingers & starts rustling with his pants, leaving your body alone for the brief moment it takes him to free himself*
14 years ago
*blinks at the sudden action and looks over her shoulder at you* Ve...?
14 years ago
*throws away his shirt and pulls down his pants, erection standing on attention* *cheeks are flushed and he does not know what to say*
14 years ago
*eyes are glued to your erection and she gulps, but then she shakes her worries off and crawls closer to you, a finger reaching out to
14 years ago
touch the tip*
14 years ago
*freezes in his movements, half undressed and watches you curiously*
14 years ago
*has no clue if she's doing the right thing, so she glances up at you as she runs her finger down your length*
14 years ago
*shivers a little, then moves to hug you*
14 years ago
! *wasn't expecting that and hugs you back, snuggling her face into your neck*
14 years ago
*tilts up your head and kisses you deeply, pushing you back onto the bed and settles between your legs*
14 years ago
*kisses back hungrily, lying on the bed with her legs spread out to keep you there, not caring, just wanting more*
14 years ago
*humps against you, forgetting about how he wanted to do this planned out, now following mostly his instincts*
14 years ago
*touches your chest with her hands, appreciating the muscles she could feel and she slowly humps back*
14 years ago
*moans* Feli... *pushes himself up and looks down at you, cheeks flushed and he feels himself shaking with anticipation*
14 years ago
*stares up at you happily, her own face flushed and she suddenly remembered something* You wanna see my boobs?
14 years ago
*blinks* What? ... No! I mean, yes, but... Um, Right now, um, I want to put it in...
14 years ago
We can do that at the same time?
14 years ago
...Of course.
14 years ago
*grins and waits for you to get in her as she starts pulling at her shirt, unbuttoning it*
14 years ago
*wonders if he should help you, but then he just watches you reveal those soft mounts of your breasts*
14 years ago
*finally pulls her shirt off, proudly revealing her breasts to you* You like them?
14 years ago
They look so soft...
14 years ago
*looks to them and cups them* They are! I can see why people call them pillows...
14 years ago
*would nosebleed, but just growls, leaning down to nuzzle them for a second, then backs off* I'm putting it in now, brace yourself.
14 years ago
*watches you nuzzles them but then she looks up, looking nervous* o-okay...
14 years ago
*kisses your forehead, then places himself in front of your entrance, pushing the head inside* *leans forward as he pushes further, kissing
14 years ago
you, holding you close*
14 years ago
*closes her eyes at being filled, the sensation just plain odd as she presses her lips back against yours, but she keeps herself spread
14 years ago
, toes twitching*
14 years ago
*holds you tight, groaning deeply once he's fully inside, breathing heavily* ...Are you okay?
14 years ago
*nods* Veee...y-you're so big! *likes it though*
14 years ago
*BLUSHES* Th-thanks... but you... are not hurt, are you?
14 years ago
*stares at you as she decides this...and wriggles* not so much, no...ve
14 years ago
*moans a bit* Okay, I'll start moving then.... *carefully starts rolling his hips*
14 years ago
*groans at the movement, arching her back, pressing up against you, nails clawing at your chest*
14 years ago
*grunts, frowns, but likes the feeling of your nails against his chest and moves on, making bigger movements*
14 years ago
*Likes how different this feels from when she had her first time with you as male and rolls her hips up, gasping when doing that made her
14 years ago
shiver in the good way, her nails digging in*
14 years ago
*groans, then grips your hips tightly and starts moving with powerful thrusts, as much as he dares to, always checking if you're ok*
14 years ago
*moans out, keeping one eyes open to watch your face as you move, making sure to move her hips in time with you, so the impact was deeper*
14 years ago
*decides he doesn't need to check on you anymore, you're fine, and goes all out, deep, sensual thrusts, alternating with quick,shallow ones*
14 years ago
*bites on your shoulder while his presses into the cushion*
14 years ago
*can't help but mels out in delight at the diferent styles you are applying to her and she rewards you by clamping her muscles around you*
14 years ago
Oh Gott... *groans, hips jerking a bit* *keeps it up and feels his orgasm approaching slowly*
14 years ago
*mewls =3=
14 years ago
*lifts her head up, trying to reach your lips, wanting to pleasure you more, her hand rubbing over your nipple* Germany~~~~
14 years ago
*grits his teeth, then moans* *squeezes your asscheeks*
14 years ago
*arches her back, lifting herself from the bed, pushing up her breasts towards you as she closes both eyes to push her head back into the
14 years ago
pillow, whimpering for harder thrusts*
14 years ago
*lifts your ass up from the bed, plunging almost harshly inside now (will curse himself for it later) as he presses his chest against yours*
14 years ago
*Gasps out and happily squeezes your cock in encouragement as she feels a build up to her first female orgasm and grits her teeth in effort*
14 years ago
*roughly moves one hand between their bodies and presses his thumb to your clit, messily nibbling on your neck, holding back even though he
Germany feels
14 years ago
so close, waiting for you to feel the overwhelming pleasure first*
14 years ago
14 years ago
XD well, it's his "fault", so he wants her to feel it all the way... and watch. ;D ))
14 years ago
*grunts as she squeezes as hard she could, pushing back against your thumb, her hands digging into the sheets as she shook, the powerful
14 years ago
wave of pleasure hitting her body causing her to yelp loudly*
14 years ago
((still, it's nice of him =w=B-))
14 years ago
((fucking smiley))
14 years ago
*grunts something as the muscles around him tighten and while he attempts a last thrust he gets pushed over the edge and with a low growl he
14 years ago
comes inside of you, getting milked by the muscles working around him* *goes lax, but manages not to crush you under him*
14 years ago
*Pants as her orgasm washes over her and she tiredly flops back onto the bed, too lazy to move as she tried to control her breathing*
14 years ago
*kisses your forehead gently, brushing sweaty hair back as he continues to kiss down your cheeks*
14 years ago
*giggles softly as she nuzzles you, lifting a hand to stoke the back of your neck*
14 years ago
*shivers and purrs at that, satisfied*
14 years ago
Good kitty *teasing low voice in your ear, stratching that spot*
14 years ago
*snorts, chuckles and pushes against your hand*
14 years ago
*draws her teasing fingers up into your hair, where she starts combing through it, looking to how your bangs had flopped into your eyes*
14 years ago
*frowns a little, then pushes himself up, to slide out of you with a sigh, flopping down at your side again* ...?
14 years ago
*turns to her side to look at you, smiling* You look so much nicer with your hair down~
14 years ago
it's so weird hearing that from two people at the same time. ))
14 years ago
*looks at you with wide eyes, then blushes* But I like it that way...
14 years ago
((who else said it? xD *presumes it's lovi*))
14 years ago
I know you do~ *sits up, not caring that she is exposing herself freely and starts messing with her ponytail*
14 years ago
Nope, it was Gilly. xD Lovi said it the other day.))
14 years ago
also, ponytails are evil. *nods* ))
14 years ago
*blinks, watches, blushing slightly* ...what are you doing?
14 years ago
((well, it's true!))
14 years ago
This! *pulls out the hairtie to let her hair free, flowing down her back, only reaching just under shoulders* that's better.
14 years ago
*bites his lip, not saying he liked the ponytail better* *smiles a little* Hmyes... this looks good.
14 years ago
*starts messing with her hair, pulling it over her shoulder as she hums, smoothing any knots out of it*
14 years ago
*watches you do that, but it irritates him a bit, wondering why* ...do you want to take a shower?
14 years ago
*looks to you and nods* Sí! I am all dirty now...*scowls at her own naked body*
14 years ago
*looks sheepish* Th-then you should go...
14 years ago
K~ *slides off the bed and pads over to the bathroom, peering inside curiously*
14 years ago
...does it look okay or do I have to clean it?
14 years ago
It look...small...*disappears into the room and starts setting up the shower*
14 years ago
*grumbles* As long as it's clean...
14 years ago
*rolls over onto his back and stares at the ceiling, wondering for a second what he has done to you now, then sits up and starts cleaning
14 years ago
and tidying up the bed and your clothes, as far as he can* *frowns at your rather... ruined because wet panty*
14 years ago
*happily showered whilst you clean and stepped into the room after a while in a towel*....Did you tidy up in here?
14 years ago
*sitting in the bed, covers over him as he watches some news-broadcaster* Hm? Oh, um, I just sorted our clothes. *points to a chair*
14 years ago
*looks to the clothes and hurries over to pull out a shirt for her to wear*
14 years ago
Sorry we didn't stop to bring any change... *gets up* I'll go take a shower now.
14 years ago
It's okay! *hums as she changes into the shirt and flops onto the bed to watch the TV*
14 years ago
*showers quickly, de-mussing his hair and combing it back with his fingers as he dries off and then comes back, towel around his waist*
14 years ago
*is stretched over the bed, shirt barely covering her backside as she giggles at something on TV*
14 years ago
*stares, then sits down and playfully slaps that exposed ass*
14 years ago
! Ve?! *turns her head to stare at you* what wasd that for? *rubs at the red spot, causing the shirt to ride up even more*
14 years ago
*shrugs, smirking a little* I dunno... but it jiggles nicely.
14 years ago
...Jiggled? *pouts as she flexes to look at her ass, poking at it*
14 years ago
Uhum... *pokes it again, making it jiggle more*
14 years ago
*STARES*.....w-why is it doing that...
14 years ago
*frowns* It's made of fat, mostly... *makes it jiggle more*
14 years ago
....I have a fat bum?
14 years ago
............Does Jennifer Lopez have a fat bum?
14 years ago
....No, she has a big bum! *giggles anbd goes back to watching the TV, feeling the shirt hitched up*
14 years ago
*tempted to do a spanking-scene*.... ))
14 years ago
((lmaoooo you reminded me of that gerita porn art I shared a while ago of ger spanking feli))
14 years ago
pffft- xD Still.))
14 years ago
*stares at that round ass, forcing himself to look at the TV after a while*
14 years ago
*too busy watching the tv, but after a while she starts combing at her hair, planning to pin it back up in a ponytail again*
14 years ago
surely she must sit up then?))
14 years ago
((going to =w= she's just combing it atm))
14 years ago
*watches, eyes flickering back to your backside*
14 years ago
*slowly sits up to pull her hair up, letting her shirt drop down back into ts place, shielding her body from your staring eyes*
14 years ago
*pouts a little and stares at your nape* ... *damn this fetish for ponytails*
14 years ago
*fixes her hair, so her ponytail was higher up and she happily flops back down, legs kicking up at the air lazily*
14 years ago
*frowns, licking his lips* ...is this show interesting?
14 years ago
Yeah! *watching a cooking show* They are talking about Italian food...and mispronoucing half of the ingrediants =w=
14 years ago
*shifts, so that he sits on the bed completely now, leaning against the headboard* Somehow I thought they would have learned after roughly
14 years ago
50 years... *chuckles*
14 years ago
Obviously not....they're American....*tilts her head as she watches the TV*
14 years ago
*snorts* well, Americans are like Frenchmen... they can only speak their own language.
14 years ago
*looks around at you with a grin* don't be mean, Germany~
14 years ago
*chuckles* I'm sorry.
14 years ago
*sticks her tongue out at you before returning her gaze to the show, legs still swinging about*
14 years ago
*watches that ponytail swing in sync with your legs*
14 years ago
*sighs happily as the show's over and she busies herself with choosing the next show*
14 years ago
*decides he should do something with his time and gets up to finally redress himself*
14 years ago
*finds her eyes wandering, and she stares at you, watching as you expose bare skin*
14 years ago
*carefully puts on his underwear with his rear towards you, why ever he is shy about that... who knows*
14 years ago
*pffft and she is so eying you up, uttering a soft appreciated noise*
14 years ago
*freezes* ... *nah, I'm just imagining it* *pulls it up, adjusting himself a bit before pulling on his tank top*
14 years ago
*pouts as you cover up and tears her gaze away before she is caught - although she wouldn't mind of the punishment for being caught
_Pastaaa was
14 years ago
a spanking*
14 years ago
I see what you're doing there. *stare* ))
14 years ago
*puts on his pants as well, before he gets back to the bed, starting to be restless, mostly because he has nothing to do right then*
14 years ago
14 years ago
*hums as she picks another cooking show and looks to him over her shoulder* Are you okay, Germany?
14 years ago
14 years ago
Mhm... *grumbles, fiddling with his fingers*
14 years ago
Uh...? *gets up and turns around to you, crawling closer* what's the matter? *places ahand on your knee*
14 years ago
Nothing. I'm fine. *looks away pointedly, cheeks a little pink*
14 years ago
*pouts and pokes your knee* Tell me!
14 years ago
... *sighs* Fine.
14 years ago
I'm bored.
14 years ago
Ve? Come watch the cooking show with me then! *meaning come lie with her*
14 years ago
I can watch it fine from here... *frowns a little* And... it's not like I'm not bored by it...
14 years ago
......*looks a little confused* are you bored...of me?
14 years ago
Huh? *stares/frowning* No, I'm just bored of the TV...
14 years ago
Ohh...want me to turn it off?
14 years ago
...it seems to entertain YOU though...
14 years ago
Well, I want you entertained too....*pouts as she fingers the collar of her baggy shirt*
14 years ago
*scratches his chin* ...I'm sorry... I am not good at being lazy...
14 years ago
I can teach you! *raises her arms in the air*
14 years ago
*watches the shirt ride up* Uh-huh...
14 years ago
......Just lie down next to me! *points the spot next to her*
14 years ago
*frowns, wanting to argue that he IS lying down atm, but then sighs and shifts to do so*
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