Also Red Son has immediately shot up in "tolerable individuals" standing because he offered coffee
Red Son is surprisingly decent at Customer Service and this is Canon
It was like a two minute segment in a special of him running a food cart with his dad and it was fucking great
(Note: His dad is like fifteen feet tall and the width of a car)
I mean. [Gestures at Hell]
DBK would fit in very well in hell
I cannot wait for the various Culture Clashes with people
I definitely want these two to interact again
Red Son at least understands the Want For VIolence, but Probably Shouldn't In This Setting
StarFruity: oh, Brother Flour Mill Tax Evasion is actually one of Blitzo's favorite people now
ZoanTanis: they should half talk at the bonfire :3
Probably shouuld. before webby locks them in a closet together
And I figure after the initial things go at the forge, Stolas will get a call to Contract Negotiation
That definitely works for me! Just let me know when you want me to hop in on that
They should probably also do something with the masquerade prompt
honestly it is a hilarious idea and might be funny because they WILL avoid and evade and run away while stuck in a 5 foot space
Ngl I have the mental image of half the problem being height difference
Shoved in the closet with an applecrate
As if Stolas wouldn't kneel down to his height if needed
OF course, then he'd be all knees in the closet sooo maybe not in enclosed areas lol
Oh that was about the masquerade thing lol but generally yes the hilarity of height difference with them
Did you want to thread it out? I mean, I do have a random open log for Stolas right now so we can do that lol
YAY! Want me to put up a tl or do you want to ?
I won't be able to until after work, but I don't mind doing so if you don't mind the bit of a wait
I don't mind a small wait! (I'm kinda having a lazy day today so no rush)
I've got like... Two and a half hours until I'm home lol