7 months ago
Screaming. This is why I have my own car. But can't drive after anesthesia and the stupid medical ride company ghosted me. The cab comes out of my pocket and might not make it in time
latest #9
7 months ago
I hate the lack of efficient public transportation so much right now
7 months ago
Also stupid prep for the procedure has made so I basically got no sleep
7 months ago
And probably not getting reimbursed for the cab fare yay
7 months ago
I live and am home. probably going to crash hard
7 months ago
feral girl fall
7 months ago
7 months ago
I am awake (temporarily). Also I apparently just really really needed my meal to be bacon. so much. so yeah. that was a thing that happened
7 months ago
bacon is awesome; I agree with your stomach that you are making Good Choices right now.

also, I'm happy to hear from you again.

you're an awesome person, and I hope rl starts being nicer to you.
7 months ago
Christmas was rough, like usual but I think things are looking up
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