White Rowley
7 months ago

—— Have you said goodbye to the light?

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latest #8
White Rowley
7 months ago @Edit 6 months ago

https://images.plurk.com/1cAgTzAyne9Ims1oVfohA2.png https://images.plurk.com/mkCAmzQeHfx0cPEEqt50X.png
White Rowley
7 months ago @Edit 6 months ago


懷特 羅里
    White Rowley
White Rowley
7 months ago

 ┠《【The Lair】》
 ┠ Stella Bunny
 ┠ November,天蠍座,A Rh+
 ┠ Male/Switch
 ┠ 29y,150cm,40kg

White Rowley
7 months ago

 ┠ 患白化症

 ┠ 聰明,高智商
 ┠ 缺乏生活技能

 ┠ 無論Dom/Sub,擔任被插入方較多

White Rowley
7 months ago

 ┠ 力氣不大,喜歡窩著
 ┠ 柔軟度佳,能適應多種體位
 ┠ 有明顯虎牙
White Rowley
7 months ago @Edit 6 months ago

 ┠ 時常不穿鞋子
 ┠ 家境富有,視工作為職場體驗
 ┠ 有一位親愛的弟弟

 ┠ 喜口交,喜咬,要注意有啃咬的舉動
 ┠ 並不主動親吻他人
White Rowley
7 months ago
White Rowley
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago

※ 本河道含 兄弟骨科 要素,介意者請繞道

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