As I stare at the Bittersweet flower crown
YESss I will tag as sooon as i finish horsey chores lol
This is... Likely going to go Poorly
I should probably figure out what crown Stolas is wearing for maximum drama
... actually, to make sure people are properly warned would you be cool with a separate log?
Sure! Thats not a problem cause who know how this is going to go
Terrible Relationship Communication and the self-depreciation is a grey zone imo
I'll get one started up for us!
Also idk how this will impact Stolas' Wish?
Atm, i am considering either doing the bittersweet crown as well or fennel, maybe rose or tansy for Stolas crown....
Oh boy. I have no fucking clue.
I think... it might depend on how the convo goes? I am going to have to think about that
I'm gonna... Plop them location wise in the cottage garden?
look he is the most Horse girl
Oh damn iii think i know which crown now so uh... how bad do we want things to blow up? Caauae im leaning towards the angry flowers
Like, as long as it's recoverable as the actually learn to communicate actual boundaries I am good
I do, in fact, ship it like FedEx, but these two are Not Great at actually communicating
Yeah, communication is definitely not their strong point lol But, I do ship them like crazy too so it's a fun challenge to get them to function like adults about feelings.
Besides, I was just thinking.. Stolas irritated/angry usually means scathing remarks and a sharp tongue. At least he won't get physically violent? ...And thankfully does not have magic or his other demon form back yet sooo all he has are words x.x
Which, sadly from him are the most deadly weapon against Blitzo rn. Because yanno, he does Worry A Lot about how Stolas talks to/about him. A physical fight he'd know how to defend and survive
They are... both seriously a mess.
Here's hoping that somewhere in this messy argument or w/e that's about to happen that realizations are made about feelings.
I mean, that is the true end goal here lol
....I really need popcorn for this.
lol also hope that tag was okay cause... it nearly turned into a very long rant from Stolas soooo >.>
also... I have a Functioning playlist for this game
step 1 was to dump all the helluva boss songs on it, step 2 was adding others, and then taking out the HB songs that didn't Vibe
because I cannot actually make up anything More Bonkers
Animal names sounding like Bob's Burgers style puns is just such good writing
(Pony Danza being my favorite btw)
Stolas over here coping so well
Stolas has not, i think, sent that yet for him? but Blitzo is from later on
so he's seen that
and yanno...
just basically saw Stolas being rushed to the ER
Yeah Stolas... hasn't sent that from his pespective
And... yeah. This tag I just sent.. just...
I... may have rewritten that like a million times and then...remembered. Oh right, royalty politics are also a thing on top of feelings. OH boy.
i sneep now but... whelp. Striker is out of the bag anyway
also the 5 people he gives a shit about: Loona, Stolas, Moxxie, Millie, His Sister
(no, he's not on his own list. but we knew that)
Via is a tangent off of Stolas beucase like.. that's a package deal? and she's fine, for a broody teen.
is this not taking place on the tdm?
For warnings purposes, no. It's its own log
Following with rapt attention
Flower Crowns are the best/worst plot devices lol
Kinda cute shit to help the Ow
Me just sitting over here yelling