Cookie Politics
6 months ago
[work] so like, do people not know what the prt sc button does anymore? because I keep getting shit like this from students
latest #18
Cookie Politics
6 months ago
like, what kind of screen does your computer even have that your phone camera is getting patterns like that????
Cookie Politics
6 months ago
also, why did you use a camera to get this image?
6 months ago
the only reasons I can think of to take a photo of the screen are

1, if seeing the cursor is important, and the screenshot won't capture it

2, if you don't have a full keyboard, ie a fair few laptops. my Surface Pro 4 seems not to even have a printscreen button on its folio-cover keyboard. I lean on the snip-tool app often, and that's impossible to
6 months ago
catch certain things with, like open menus, because switching to it closes the menu. that image you posted, however, I cannot think of a single excuse.
6 months ago
...actually, one more:

3, the computer can't screenshot it (as in STOP/bluescreen error screens. photo that info, if you want to keep it!)
6 months ago
still 100% inapplicable to that image. (LOL)
Bolt Vanderhuge
6 months ago
There's not just Prt Sc
Bolt Vanderhuge
6 months ago
Windows has the damn Snipping Tool
Bolt Vanderhuge
6 months ago
Which you can use to create screenshots
Bolt Vanderhuge
6 months ago
Cookie Politics
6 months ago
I will say this isn't the weirdest I've gotten, but it is one of the most colorful
Cookie Politics
6 months ago
the weirdest I've gotten was the student who submitted a phone camera picture of their computer screen for an essay assignment
Cookie Politics
6 months ago
I suspect it was to try and sneaky dodge the plagiarism checkers, but jokes on them, the essay was shit regardless and they got an F
6 months ago
This isn't screenshot-related, but still sorta relevant(ish?):
An ex-friend of mine told me at one point about how, instead of the actual document he wanted, one of his students had attached the file lock to their email to him.
Cookie Politics
6 months ago
that's almost impressive, but in a bad way
i've heard that a lot of students just aren't being taught Computers like we did as kids, so i can totally buy them not even knowing about print screen/snipping tool
yeah, everyone has smartphones now, so actual computers beyond the easy surface-level stuff have wrapped around to being a skill set not everyone has again
Cookie Politics
6 months ago
/shakes cane at the Youths
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