emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
I'm a bit concerned about Daisy. She hasn't been her normal self since last night. I hope it passes whatever it is. She ate this morning but hasn't asked for food again yet. Her vet appointment isn't until the end of next month. She sometimes does this and then bounces back. But as a cat parent. I can't help but worry. Please send prayers.
latest #237
6 months ago
emily ✟
6 months ago
andex: Thank you so much. :-)
6 months ago
MoRi 𐂂
6 months ago
Hope Daisy will get better soon
emily ✟
6 months ago
aiasha: Thank you 😊
emily ✟
6 months ago
surfnmurf333: 🤔
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
_zep_: Thank you :-)
emmiie: I'm sorry if I upset you.
emily ✟
6 months ago
surfnmurf333: You didn't. I was just wondering what the smiley meant, I was confused, I think I usedthe wrong emoji lol. Thank you :-)
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
Well, Daisy didn't eat last night. She threw up today, but she had nothing to throw up but saliva. She hasn't eaten yet. I will see how she does this morning. I have her in the room with me, so I can keep an eye on her. If she doesn't eat by noon. I may call my husband to take her to the vet, and see what is going on. Please send prayers.
emily ✟
6 months ago
This is breaking my heart. It hurts me to see her like this.
MoRi 𐂂
6 months ago
Prayers for Daisy to get better soon 🙏🏻
emily ✟
6 months ago
_zep_: Thank you very much.
emily ✟
6 months ago
surfnmurf333: I checked on my mobile phone, and it doesn't animate so it only shows this face. Which confuses me anyway lol. But on my computer it is animated. How weird. https://images.plurk.com/4UHVvqu59HMrDqy0XfvQod.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
I'm finding it very difficult to concentrate on something else, with my thoughts being with Daisy all the time. I hope this won't get serious. I feel like crying because there is nothing I can do right this minute for her, but wait and see how she feels. She is resting right now. https://images.plurk.com/70hCR2HKkuckSRSo403VFX.jpg
MoRi 𐂂
6 months ago

God will heal her, in Jesus name 🙏🏻
emily ✟
6 months ago
_zep_: Thank you so much
emily ✟
6 months ago
it is12 pm, and she has not eaten. Mostly sleeping. I am calling the vet and see if i can take her in TODAY!!
emily ✟
6 months ago
My stomach is in a knot. I am scared. I don't want anything bad to happen to my girl. I better go and call.
emily ✟
6 months ago
I just got off the phone with the vet. Funny thing as I am finished with the vet. Daisy jumps down and turns out going to the water fountain. That is the first time since she has been sleeping. I am hoping it is a sign maybe she'll eat. Regardless she is going in tomorrow morning at 11:20 am. Whether she eats or not.
emily ✟
6 months ago
She still hadn't eaten, but she is on the couch with me doing biscuits on my leg. I hope she eats. she is still going to the vet tomorrow. Come on, sweetheart, eat, please.
emily ✟
6 months ago
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
2:06 pm. I can't seem to want to do anything besides sit here with my girl. She is now laying on the couch next to me. Still hadn't eaten, but I am hoping she will eat something today. https://images.plurk.com/1er57Lsw9OuXcSTb9YQr3M.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
3:43 pm. I didn't want to leave Daisy alone, considering how she is feeling, but I needed to do some walking. Now I am sitting on the couch again. She is curled up next to me. She's such a sweet baby girl. She still doesn't want to eat.
emily ✟
6 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4KsLEQnM0es28v8encO8fJ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3daPVOJZvTZxIrL62ACfGT.jpg She is so beautiful, I love her so much.
6 months ago
emily ✟
6 months ago
6:03 pm. Daisy seems like she wants to eat, but doesn't. My husband thinks she may have something going on with her mouth. She has no teeth, she lost them along the way and we didn't even notice.
emily ✟
6 months ago
6:06 pm - Actually, I noticed I never saw her teeth, even when she yawned. I thought maybe they were small. But at the last vet appt, the vet said she had no teeth. That is okay, she had been eating fine. But it could be mouth-related. I hope it is nothing serious. We will see tomorrow. God willing it is nothing too serious.
emily ✟
6 months ago
6:09 pm - As of right now, she hasn't eaten since Tuesday morning. There is that possiblity that she had dry food, but if it is a mouth issue, she wouldn't eat it. I'll give her, her first pill at 7pm.
emily ✟
6 months ago
7:05pm. We just gave her the pill. I thought it came out, but it looks like she turned out swallowing it. Oh I hope so. I backed off from here, so she doesn't feel like running. Oh I love you Daisy, it is for your own good babygirl.
emily ✟
6 months ago
8:37 pm. After giving her the pill. Refusing various foods. I pull out Sheba Roasted Chicken Entree cuts, and she's eating it. Thank you, Lord!
emily ✟
6 months ago
10:37 pm. she pretty mellow on the bed. She ate a little more. i hope she can sleep well tonight. Another pill in the morning before her appt. I am so glad she finally fed her little body.
emily ✟
6 months ago
8:30 am Wed - I gave her the gabapentin pill. Oh boy, she did not want to swallow it. She managed to kind of bite on it. I can tell because she kind of spit out the shell of it. But I kept putting it back in her mouth. The 1st try, she cut into my hand ouch with her nail. She needs it for the vet visit. Hopefully she consumed it all.
emily ✟
6 months ago
We went to the vet, & it seemed as if the calming pill wasn't enough. She literally went feral. Screeching, hissing, she has no teeth, so she can't bite, but her claws are a little long (due for a trimming). They couldn't take her blood pressure. She was too stressed out. The vet checked her tummy, & she didn't react as if she was in pain. It's a good thing.
emily ✟
6 months ago
Yeah. I couldn't believe it. I will have to give her two calming pills next time. Poor baby was so stressed, meowing, hissing. I almost started crying because she was so stressed. She was scared, it was breaking my heart.
emily ✟
6 months ago
My husband heard my voice change, and he knew I sounded like I was going to cry. I composed myself right away.
emily ✟
6 months ago
We left with some medication to help stimulate her hunger, and hopefully, it doesn't make her throw up. And some anti-nausea to help with her little bouts of throwing up. She will keep her April appointment.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
They wanted to do another geriatric testing. They did it 6 months ago. That alone costs $300+ how insane, but anything to make sure she is okay.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
I just want my baby girl to be okay. She lost 1/2 a pound that is a lot for a cat
emily ✟
6 months ago
I want to wait a couple of hours before giving her meds. I want her to decompress what just happened. My precious, sweet girl.
emily ✟
6 months ago
2:25 pm - Daisy just threw up. She hadn't eaten since last night. So that's what came up. Poor baby.
emily ✟
6 months ago
I hate that she randomly (or at least it seems like it) throws up.
emily ✟
6 months ago
I hope the medication helps her.
emily ✟
6 months ago
5:20 pm - I gave Daisy her anti-nausea pill, well, 1/4 of a teeny tiny pill. Later, I'll rub ointment to help stimulate hunger. She hasn't eaten today. *sigh*
emily ✟
6 months ago
6:30 pm (Thursday) I just applied the ointment on Daisy, she did not fight me thank goodness. It was basically rubbing her ear which I do all the time anyway.
emily ✟
6 months ago
I thought she might get put off because i had to use a glove. But she was okay. As for Lily, se hasn't eaten, she had treats earlier and possibly dry food too. We'll see how they do.
emily ✟
6 months ago
9:30 pm (thursday) - She finally ate! I am hoping that medication is working, yay!
MoRi 𐂂
6 months ago
Yay thank God! Hope she'll get even better soon
emily ✟
6 months ago
Daisy has been eating throughout the night. Last night, she woke me up maybe 2-3 times. I did not mind at all. This morning, 7 am (Friday), my husband fed her. I am so happy the medication is working. No throwing up. Thank you, God.
emily ✟
6 months ago
_zep_: Thank you for the prayers
emily ✟
6 months ago
11:20 am. (Friday) She came to her eating spot but didn't want what she had been eating. I'm going to need to apply ointment again. In hopes it will stimulate her appetite. Although I could wait a bit. I'll wait until I speak to my husband at noon.
emily ✟
6 months ago
11:46 am (Friday) I rubbed the ointment. Let's see how her appetite gets. I hope this is not going to be a thing to do forever
emily ✟
6 months ago
1:14 pm (Friday) - The vet just called to check on Daisy. I told them she ate last night after applying the ointment. And throughout the night, and she ate this morning. She hasn't eaten again but that I did apply the ointment, and I'm waiting for it to kick in.
emily ✟
6 months ago
She also said that if it doesn't appear to get better, we can rake her in tomorrow's 8-12, after that, to a local animal ER. I really pray it doesn't come to that & that she does eat more today. And that we will talk on Monday as to how she is doing. Oh dear, Lord, please help both of my girls get their appetites back. Please help my sweet little souls. 🙏
emily ✟
6 months ago
1:42 pm (Friday) - Daisy is showing signs of wanting to eat, but she has rejected 3 different flavors. I'm leaving one and will see if she will give in. God willing, she does.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
2:23 pm (Friday) - She returned to the kitchen like she's hungry. I'm giving her some of her regular food. 1 min later nope she didn't want to eat it. I'm going to try another.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
2:33 pm. (Friday) I tried 3 different types she has eaten happily before, for the exception of Sheba that's new. She was eating it fine, suddenly does not want it. I can tell she's hungry, I'm trying everything I have short of Lily's food. She's never cared for it, but I'll try when she returns to the kitchen. https://images.plurk.com/2tO1zW7wVuopCGtjduU0Rb.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
I'm feeling sick to my stomach that both are not eating. I've cried, and I've prayed. My Lord, please help me with my girls 🙏. Amen
emily ✟
6 months ago
2:38 pm (Friday) - She finally gave in. We circled back to the Sheba. I'm going to have to order more. Before she runs out. I just heard her meow. She stopped eating and was looking for me. Dang it, I thought we made progress. I want to cry.
emily ✟
6 months ago
3:30 pm (Friday) - she's back in the kitchen. She didn't want the Sheba roasted chicken. I ran down to get a few more cans. I tried fancy feast creamy delights tuna, she used to eat, and she did eat some. Not a lot, but that's better than nothing.
emily ✟
6 months ago
Afterward, she walked back to the living room. I heard her meow, a meow that i hear when she may throw up. However, I could be confusing. She didn't throw up, thankfully. She is on the cat tree, on the lower tier. I'll keep an eye on her in case she vomits. Poor baby girl.
emily ✟
6 months ago
5:05 pm (Friday) She wanted to eat again. I tried the stuff she ate last time, but she didn't want it. She went with Sheba roasted chicken. So that's good.
emily ✟
6 months ago
5:45 pm ( Friday) - She jumps down from my husband's lap, walks towards the bathroom, meowing. I got up to check on her, and so did my husband. I think she was looking for me. I brought her in the room with me. She is resting next to me at my desk. https://images.plurk.com/74pNy6TugWK8gE1sAJg52G.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
6:06 pm (Friday) - she just jumped down, possibly to go eat more of her food or sit with my husband again. We'll see.
emily ✟
6 months ago
10:14 pm. (Friday) - About 7 pm, we gave her the 1/4 of the pill. Daisy ate again at about 8 pm. She sat with my husband for a while after she left the room with me. And hung out in the living room with us while we watched TV. She is still on the cat tree. She may, we will see.
emily ✟
6 months ago
10:49 am (Saturday) - Daisy has been eating steadily. I still need to apply the ointment. I feel just to be on the safe side. Last night, she woke me up at 12 and 1 am, 2nd time to sit on the couch with her. I did that for an hour. I went back to bed. She kind of settled but returned once or twice, but she does that for attention, not really hunger.
emily ✟
6 months ago
10:44 am (Saturday) She ate at about 7 am my husband fed her. Than about 30 mins ago, she wanted more. I prepped her plate,she didn't want it but I left it there and she is eating now. i won't update as much. Because she is eating better. If things turn in the wrong direction, I will post more. Thank you for the prayers.
emily ✟
6 months ago
11:06 am (Saturday) - Daisy is whining. She is being needy, so here I am on the couch as she does biscuits (kneading) on my leg. My sweet girl. https://images.plurk.com/628FTSMSlGKNeQXC2ZMROX.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
12:38 pm (Saturday) - Since Daisy has eaten regularly. I'm going to stop with the ointment and see how she does the rest of the day. She will, however, get the anti-nausea medication.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
1:00 pm (Saturday) - I gave Daisy a full serving of Sheba Roasted Chicken it is what she has been eating. Well she ate some of the meat but mostly licked the sauce lol.
emily ✟
6 months ago
2pm (Saturday) - My husband brought home some Temptations chicken saucy bits, i served Daisy some but she doesn't seem to want it, its like she knows the difference. So I am going to leave it there, walk away, and check in a bit to see if she ate it.
emily ✟
6 months ago
2:05 pm (Saturday) I cleaned her litterbox, or I was going to, when Daisy walked into it. So I waited and noticed she got the runs. I am wondering if it is because of the medication. I will have to check the label and see. I am just glad she did it in the litterbox.
emily ✟
6 months ago
7:24 pm (Saturday) - Daisy has been doing well. She is sitting with us in the living room on the couch. She eats fine, thank goodness. God willing, this is the beginning of a normal appetite.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
00:48 am (Sunday) Daisy was getting my attention, I followed her, and she seemed to want to eat. I gave her food. Bur immediately returned to the room. Now she's on my lap. And I want to go to sleep 😴. So, I have to move her a bit. Maybe she'll lay on my husband's legs. Lol. I'm just glad she seems like she's getting back to normal. I'll be watching 👀
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
10:11 am (Sunday) - Daisy has been asking for food over and over during the early morning. She made a point to keep waking me. I changed her food from Sheba to the temptations, but she is refusing it. She did the same yesterday. She seems to really love the Sheba. So I may give in and give her that. I am trying not, so she finishes it.
emily ✟
6 months ago
It's the last one. My husband bought it to have another choice. It looks like Sheba is the winner. I bought that variety by accident, but oh my goodness, did it work out.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
My husband pointed out that the temptations I gave her was tuna and not chicken. Oops, so I served her a pate chicken same brand, and she ate it up. Lesson learned.
emily ✟
6 months ago
6:36 pm. (Sunday) - Daisy started to whine. She didn't want the food she had eaten earlier. So I thought maybe she wanted some Sheba food. But no, she didn't. We decided to give her some anti-nausea pill. The whining she made is the sound she makes when she may throw up. It would very well be a hairball. My husband got her. She wasn't in the right position.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
So she saw the pill pusher and she wanted to leave, I tried to get it in. but she was moving, and it didn't go far down her throat, so she kind of spit it out, some of it she kind of licked.
emily ✟
6 months ago
She is a fighter. We'll try later.
emily ✟
6 months ago
9:30 pm (Sunday) - Daisy seemed to be acting up, whining, not wanting to eat. So I applied the ointment again. We'll see how she does.
emily ✟
6 months ago
10:38 pm (Sunday) Daisy is being picky with food. I hope the ointment kicks in.
emily ✟
6 months ago
8:40 am (Monday) - Last night, she seemed to finally settle after the ointment application. She ate, maybe twice. Then, she slept. I don't believe my husband fed her before leaving. I just fed her at about 8:30 am. She had two servings. They are small servings. Half of a tray. https://images.plurk.com/7CxOakcZCE14lNkB8lMOUp.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
Right after she ate, she started to meow a bit. I sat her in kitchen chair that has sun. Maybe she's cold. I noticed she got the runs a bit when I cleaned the litterbox right after she used it. I will have to tell the vet that. I'm not sure if it's related to the medication. https://images.plurk.com/11kQASQ64s1TfePJDhtvV7.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
9:50 am (Monday) - Daisy is relaxing on the table in the computer room with me. I wrote down a few notes of what I noticed and will let the vet know. I personally noticed her appetite changes when i stopped giving her the ointment (appetite stimulant). If she stops getting it, she reverts to wanting to eat but doesn't.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
I am still worried, but at least it is helping her eat. I will give it to her forever if I need to. It is expensive but worth it. https://images.plurk.com/eDoaKj5hYmqha9F72wvKe.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
11:00 am (Monday) - I went to get the mail, and Daisy followed me and wanted to eat again. I have noticed that when I give her the appetite stimulant it makes her hungier than normal. She ate a lot before, but didn't really gain a lot of weight. But with this appetite stimulant she tends to eat more than normal. It could be me being way too observant. Lol.
emily ✟
6 months ago
1:50 pm (Monday) - Daisy has been eating well, but it is also very needy. She takes up my time. I have to stop doing things to make her content. This includes getting locked in on the couch while I pet her, lol. I love my girls. Lily has been eat normally. Yay! https://images.plurk.com/3VvVLMnRGmsCvHsuIcg59p.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
7:48 pm (Monday) - Daisy has been eating a liltte more than normal. Tonight I will not give her the ointment. I will wait until tomorrow morning, about 5 am if she wakes me, if not then 8 am. But so far she is doing good. I am concerned if this is going to be a regular thing, with the ointment. I need to talk to her vet.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
8:16 am (Tuesday) At about 7:30 am after my husband left. I sadly heard Daisy vomiting. I was not happy to hear that his morning. When my husband gets home, we'll give her a pill. I will monitor to see if she does it again. I really hope that was a one time thing, but there is no reason for her to be vomiting. My concern continues.
emily ✟
6 months ago
I had to remove all the food available. treats, dry food. It breaks my heart to do that, but she ate. And I don't want her over eating as that can and has caused her to vomit before, it makes me feel so bad :-(
emily ✟
6 months ago
5:33 (Tuesday) - Daisy has been eating well. Up until now. She went to the litterbox. I happened to walk in and noticed she had the runs, hmm. I'll be calling the vet tomorrow. She wanted food, although she got a little bit of chicken from us so she could be full and didn't realize it. I'll be 👀 watching her. No vomiting apart from. this morning.
emily ✟
6 months ago
12:41 pm (Wednesday) - Daisy has been doing well. Her appetite is pretty normal. I'm glad about that. She seems to have a bit of diarrhea, glad she is using the litterbox when it happens. I am hoping that since the medication is leaving her system that the diarrhea will stop. I am keeping an 👁 on her with that.
Squeak =^..^=
6 months ago
emily ✟
6 months ago
SqueakTomsen: Aww thank you :-)
emily ✟
6 months ago
7pm (Wednesday) - Daisy has been doing great. She still seems to be having the runs, at least he makes it to the litterbox which I am grateful for. I have thought, maybe it is the Sheba food as that is something new he has been eating. I gave her some of her Fancy Feast just now, she ate it happily I am going to try to switch to that.
emily ✟
6 months ago
Although I just bought a 24 case of the Sheba lol. I won't got to waste trust me, I have outside furbabies, that would love a treat now and then. We'll see if she still wants to eat her regular food.
emily ✟
6 months ago
I didn't call the vet today, but I should call them tomorrow. I have to schedule an appt for Lily anyway.
emily ✟
6 months ago
8:00 am. (Thursday) I hear Daisy vomit. She vomits twice in different locations. Dang it. It looks like she will need her anti-nausea medication. And I think it may be an ongoing thing. I'm calling the vet this morning.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
Last night, she had a bit of steamed chicken, a few licks of whipped cream, a small bit, or two of cheese. Other than that, her fancy feast.
emily ✟
6 months ago
8:40 am (Thursday) She wanted to eat, so I gave her a bit of Sheba, and she had some water afterward.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
9:59 am (Wed) - Daisy got needy, wanted to do biscuits on my lap, which she did. I am sitting on the couch with her. The house feels cold (70°) I'm wearing a tank top, though. She is relaxing, I partially covered her with a blanket. https://images.plurk.com/6Rw575qSQGdxEAEdOj6TH8.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
Lily is not to far either. https://images.plurk.com/3yF6Quw9tp5W9rCOEK1Uik.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
1 pm (Wed) - I tried giving Daisy an anti-nausea pill in her food. That little girl figured it out, and it was only a 1/4 of a tiny pill. I guess a pill pusher or whatever its official name will have to do. I hate stressing her out.
emily ✟
6 months ago
2:49 pm (Wed) - Daisy is napping. It gives me a chance to walk on the treadmill.
emily ✟
6 months ago
10:53 am (Friday) Daisy did fine last night, ate normally since switching her back to Sheba. Today same thing, doing fine. I'm glad about that. Lets see how she does the rest of the day. The culprit of upset stomach and vomiting could be the Fancy Feast food.
emily ✟
6 months ago
I am so disappointed with Daisy, she went potty on one of the scratcher beds in the living room. The fact they are made of cardboard makes it difficult to clean it. I was able to clean it pretty well and thought about soaking that one area with some Pinesol or something. I don't know yet. I may just throw it away, and buy a new one.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
Yeah I don't care if she goes on the tile, heck even the carpet, i can clean that. But cardboard is another story. It didn't get soaked or anything, but poo always leaves traces of a smell. I am sure she will avoid sitting on that one.
emily ✟
6 months ago
Is she trying to claim it as her own. She has never done something like this before. Furbabies are always surprising you.
6 months ago
hey, you don't know me, i found you quite randomly through a comment on a friend's plurk, but i read through all of this and I wanted to reach out with some advice
6 months ago
Unfortunately this all sounds very familiar to me because it is the exact progression of symptoms I had with my kitty Aristophanes when he got intestinal lymphoma
6 months ago
Not eating, struggling to get him to eat anything even with the appetite stimulant, vomiting when he did eat, and diahhrea + going outside the litter box when he never did before
6 months ago
you mentioned the vet recommending another senior blood panel, but it wasn't clear if you got it done or not - definitely ask for a blood test to screen for cancer, which should be cheaper since it's not the full panel of testing
6 months ago
lymphoma can progress very quickly so don't wait to see if things get better, be very aggressive in seeking answers
6 months ago
but if you catch it in time it is treatable
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
also one of my vet's recommendations for getting him to eat was meat baby food - just check the ingredients and make sure there's no garlic or onions added. gerbers is good, it's just meat, water, salt, totally safe for cats. he really liked the ham flavor, it was all i could get him to eat at a certain point
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
i don't mean to scare you, but you really are describing exactly what i went through with him and i don't want anybody else to go through what we did :-( if i'd had better info earlier i would still have my boy
emily ✟
6 months ago
ninjarobotclone: I'm so sorry about your baby boy. I changed my girls food again from Fancy Feast to Sheba and she isn't throwing up. She doesn't do it often, but its just random, she can wake up sometimes and throw up. But again, it isn't very often. I am monitoring her, an what she eats, so that it doesn't upset her stomach. So far so good.
emily ✟
6 months ago
ninjarobotclone: When she had her appt, they couldnt do the panel because it didn't seem like the calming medicine worked, she may have spit it out. So they couldn't do it. Last one was 6 months ago. She is going on the 5th of April, unless I see something that I don't like I will change it to earlier. I will definitely take you advice and ask them.
emily ✟
6 months ago
ninjarobotclone: They shouldn't have a problem with it. she is 10 now, so she is considered a senior. I will do what is necessary to make her feel better. Thankfully the Sheba food seems be doing good. We will see in the next few days. In the meantime, I just monitor and clean her litter box often. More than twice a day, she is a picky girl.
emily ✟
6 months ago
ninjarobotclone: Thank you so much for reaching out, I really appreciate all the feedback.
emily ✟
6 months ago
ninjarobotclone: Oh i forgot to mention, she is not taking the appetite stimulant or the anti-nausea medicine, as I think it gave her the runs. I called the vet today and brought them up to speed on what is going on with her. Thank you again :-)
emily ✟
6 months ago
ninjarobotclone: About the baby food, I have heard this. I think I tried one on her once, and she didn't like it. She loves chicken so I'll try to find some with chicken chunks, as she likes that more than pate. :-)
emily ✟
6 months ago
7:40 pm (Friday) I called the vet today, and told them everything I observed with Daisy. Thankfully she seems to be doing better with eating Sheba. I am keeping my fingers crossed. However when she does go to her appt next month. I'm taking some advice from ninjarobotclone that was kindly given to me. For the time being. I'll be keeping my on her.
6 months ago
I'm very glad to hear she seems to be doing better! I do recommend trying to get a blood screening done ASAP though. Ari had his last senior panel only 2 months before he started showing symptoms and there were no red flags in it at all.
6 months ago
and in our case I was like "oh he's not eating, he's picking up kibble and spitting it back out, must be his teeth", so I scheduled him for a dental cleaning and the vet's earliest opening for that type of appointment was 2 weeks out, and that's two weeks we could've spent diagnosing and getting treatment if I'd just taken him in right away
6 months ago
when i say lymphoma progresses quickly, we went from "weird, he's not eating much" to gone in just a month :-(
6 months ago
but you're right the vomiting & diarrhea could just be medication side effects, and i really do hope that's all it is, hopefully it doesn't come back while she's off the meds
6 months ago
but if it does come back then definitely don't wait until that April 5th appointment to get her checked out
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
also you can try asking the vet to do a sedated exam if you expect her to be particularly awful again - my tortie Hera is so bad that she can only get exams under sedation
emily ✟
6 months ago
ninjarobotclone: Oh my gosh, i am so sorry for your loss. My heart just broke for you. im so sorry.
emily ✟
6 months ago
10:48 am (Saturday) - Daisy has been off anti-nausea meds for a few days. Sadly, she threw up about 20 mins ago. So, I'll be giving her the anti-nausea meds today. She doesn't have teeth, so it's not a dental issue. Something else is going on. This is really scaring me now.
emily ✟
6 months ago
ninjarobotclone: We sedate her every time. This last time, she must have spit out the meds because she was very aggressive, and she usually isn't. So, we decided to give her two, I've never given her two, but the vet said she would be ok, given her weight.
emily ✟
6 months ago
11:21 am (Saturday) - We just gave her the anti-nausea meds. Dang, she's a fighter, lol. Poor baby.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
12:30 pm (Sat) - Daisy's vet called to check in on Daisy. I told her about her vomiting. Her appetite is fine otherwise. She recommended an OTC probiotic. We swung by to pick some up since we are out. We went to Petco. I'll give her some when we get home. https://images.plurk.com/3sJ6qKfzENjXcPXBLBnw8j.jpg
emily ✟
6 months ago
I'm hoping this helps.
6 months ago
Thanks for your compassion! It was 4 years ago now but it still hurts
6 months ago
Poor Daisy :-( I hope the probiotics help. I'm praying for your baby to be okay
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
ninjarobotclone: You are welcome. And thank you so much.
emily ✟
6 months ago
12:37 pm (Sunday) Yesterday I gave Daisy the supplement but she is a smart cookie and can smell it mixed it. Reviews said the cats liked it, but nope not my girl. She is picky as heck. Vet said give her the ointment to get her to get hungry, sorry for the life of me, I forgot the name. Anyway, so I had to do that just now. I also had to do it last night.
emily ✟
6 months ago
Last night, i only gave her half of the little pack. My husband said split it up into 3's and I totally forgot to do that, and gave her the rest from last night. Last night i only gave her 1/3 of it. Dang it. I am hoping with the appetite stimulant that she will eat it, even if it is not right this minute.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
I have not given her the anti-nausea meds, which we really should. But i am going to wait and let this appetite stimulant kick in, and then she can eat her food that has the supplement in it.
emily ✟
6 months ago
4:09 pm (Sun) Daisy refused to eat the food that had the supplement. She downright refused, had not eaten anything, even though I gave her the appetite stimulant. I just couldn't wait anymore for her to eat it. I felt like she must feel I am punishing her and I am not. I am trying to make her better. I feel like crying because I don't know what more to do.
emily ✟
6 months ago
Since I had put too much into the bowl, it split it in half and mixed in more fresh food, but it is like she can smell it. I'm going to try later again, but using a measuring spoon, the smallest I can find. She needs to take it. I don't want to have to shove another pill in her mouth. This is breaking my heart.
emily ✟
6 months ago
We'll see what happens.
emily ✟
6 months ago
3:16 pm (Tuesday) I haven't given Daisy any meds. For 1 she hasn't been throwing up, until now. A hairball, that is what I chalk that up to being. Other than that, she is eating fine. She does refuse to eat her food if I put any probiotics in it. I am bummed, because, the reviews said their cats liked the stuff. Well, my girl doesn't lol.
emily ✟
6 months ago
I have yet to make the doses small so it spreads over a day. I am going to do that tomorrow, since she had a good break from it. She wouldn't eat it even if i gave her apetite stimulant. After a while of not eating, I couldn't keep not give her fresh food without the probiotic, it was breaking my heart. I am going to have to find wet food that has it.
emily ✟
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
I don't see any other way of giving it to her short of getting it in pill form, and using a pill pusher, which I am not a fan of. Because I have to use that when I give her anti-nausea medicine, and calming medicine for when she has vet appts. I don't want to add to the list.
Squeak =^..^=
6 months ago
You will get there.
emily ✟
6 months ago
7:18 am (Wed) - Daisy just vomited. No hairball. I'm going to have to give her anti-nausea medicine again. I got a pull slicer yesterday, which will make slicing a pill into 4 easier. I hope at least. Poor babygirl.
emily ✟
6 months ago
SqueakTomsen: Thank you.
6 months ago
sending prayers
emily ✟
6 months ago
Space_RangerOSA: Thank you :-)
emily ✟
6 months ago
9:29 am (Thur) - Daisy threw up a hairball. I suppose that's normal. She should be fine the rest of the day.
emily ✟
5 months ago
10:49 am (Mon) Daisy has been doing fine. With the exception of doing #1 outside of the litterbox, I'm just glad she did it on the mat that is in front of it. Then about 30 or so mins after eating she threw up. I think that catches her by surprise. Poor baby. More anti-nausea meds to be given to my girl. Poor baby girl.
emily ✟
5 months ago
7:29 pm (Wed) Daisy had been doing good, then today she had a little accident, the runs. She didn't make it to the litterbox, but i also blame myself for not cleaning it out first thing in the morning. Luckily clean up wasn't that bad. Other than that she has been doing fine. Thank you, Lord.
Squeak =^..^=
5 months ago
emily ✟
5 months ago
2:55 pm (Thurs) Daisy threw up a hairball, while I was walking on the treadmill downstairs. She threw up on the table, the placemats, the cushion on the chair. So I had my work cut out to clean it all up, she managed to get it on the floor too. Oh boy.
emily ✟
5 months ago
Then I knew she had the runs, she usually does after she throws up. I didnt see any downstairs, although I cleaned some #2 from probably earlier in the day, which is a no no, and the litter box was clean.
emily ✟
5 months ago
She went #2 behind the bedroom door, in almost the exact spot she went the last time she threw up which was when? Last Thursday I think. I literally cried because I have been so overwhelmed today that I need to cry. it's one of those days.
emily ✟
5 months ago
Yesterday (Mon 4/2) Daisy threw up and had a little accident where she wasn't supposed to. She refuses to eat anything I put that powder probiotic, so I'm not giving it anymore, it would be a waste. Friday is her vet appts, so I need a recommendation from the vet. About what kind of food I can give her that has probiotics in it already.
emily ✟
5 months ago
I have not wanted to give her anti-nausea meds, because I feel it stresses her, and she will see it coming Thursday night when I have to give her the gabapentin, and then again in the morning, but 2 in the morning. I am not looking forward to that.
emily ✟
5 months ago
But it is to her benefit as she will be less stressed, and easier to handle. I love my Daisy girl. I pray things go well.
Squeak =^..^=
5 months ago
emily ✟
5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
Monday (04/08) The vet called today, and said all her tests came out great, absolutely fine. I am so happy. We are going to try a change of diet. And see how the B12 vitamin shot she got helps her. If it does, I will administer the shot, because taking her to the vet each time would be so costly. I'm so happy, yay!
emily ✟
5 months ago
Tomorrow my husband will swing by and pick up some samples of food, and then we can see what she will be happy with that will be better for her. I am so happy to get this great news. Thank you, Lord.
5 months ago
I'm so glad to hear her tests all came back normal, that's a relief!
emily ✟
5 months ago
ninjarobotclone: Yes, it is. Thank you.
Squeak =^..^=
5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
<still watching>
emily ✟
5 months ago
Tuesday (4/9) - My husband picked up the sample wet foods for Daisy. I am not happy with how it looks. And I have a feeling she is not going to like it either. I am worried about that. Because this is for her to be well, and not throw up. Seems she has a sensitivity to a lot of protein. This girl loves her chicken. This food didn't look appetizing at all.
emily ✟
5 months ago
The can i tried today is the Hills Prescription Diet Food Sensitivities z/d, it looks like gelatin pate. Nothing like other food I give her. Well I have never tried transitioning my cat from one food to the other, so I accidentally just gave her the new stuff, and as always when she doesn't like something, she walks away from it.
emily ✟
5 months ago
I was in the room reading some literature they sent along, and i am was supposed to do 25% 4-5 days, then 50% 4-5 days, then 75% 4-5 days lol, yeah I messed that up. So I am going to try again either later or tomorrow. I hope it works. Because then I will have to try something else.
emily ✟
5 months ago
The B12 shot is suppose to help with that as well. So maybe that might have to be the way to go. I have to figure this out correctly, I don't want to mess it up.
emily ✟
5 months ago
I wish there were more flavor options to that wet cat food by Hills. Cause dang this is not great. I am disappointed for my girl.
emily ✟
5 months ago
Wed (4/10) I mixed some of the prescribed food in with Daisy's regular wet food, and she immediately walked away. That girl's sniffer sure is on point. Immediately she knew something was off. I had to leave it there and wait for her to get very hungry to go and eat it. I am hoping that works.
emily ✟
5 months ago
I tried editing this twice and it won't stay. I meant to put the time of 10:00 am to keep track of what time I put the food down.
emily ✟
5 months ago
Wed (4/10) 11 am - She didn't go for it. I tried 3 different times. Once with another food she likes to eat, but she just didn't go for it. I had to give her, the food without the prescribed food in it. Because she needs to eat.
emily ✟
5 months ago
And even then, she was suspicious that I put the other food in it. She wouldn't eat it. I left it out, I even dabbed some on her mouth so she can see its fine. 15 mins later she walks in licking her mouth, so she ate.
emily ✟
5 months ago
I'm going to have to look around to see if I can find another brand that has what she needs, this is the stuff she did not like. https://images.plurk.com/TFe81l0Y7n74cdOxL9MYO.png
emily ✟
5 months ago
Mon (4/22) Daisy has been doing okay. I tried giving her one of the other cans of food the vet gave us, but again she would not have it. It took half a day for her to trust me that I was giving her regular food. So I will not be giving her that food anymore, not wet anyway. She seems to be okay with the dry food.
emily ✟
5 months ago
So I will be switching the dry food. and I think they both can benefit from it. Although it cost much more than the old stuff.
emily ✟
5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
But at least she is getting something that she needs. I need to call the vet to see how to set up a purchase. I need a vets approval to get it. I'll have to talk to them about the B12 injections too. I know she won't like that.
emily ✟
5 months ago
She still vomits every now and then. It is difficult to give her the anti-nausea medicine. I need to try to give it to her in her food. Just so she can at least consume it. I am hoping she can't tell it is in there.
5 months ago
sending prayers at this difficult time. Fingers crossed she gets better soon.
emily ✟
5 months ago
ligayaharuka: She is doing good. I just need to figure out a food she likes that will do her good. Thank you
emily ✟
4 months ago
Wed (4/24) I talked to the vet today and told her I need a prescription for Daisy's dry food. And that she does not like the wet food. So I will be getting that.
emily ✟
4 months ago
I am also going to get back with then tomorrow, and set up an appt to be shown how to administer the B12 Vitamin shot, as it would be too expensive to go to them each time. And I am confident I can do it.
emily ✟
4 months ago
So I'll be scheduling that for a Friday, not sure if it will be this one or the next one. We'll see how it goes. Meanwhile she is doing fine. She still throws up now and then.
emily ✟
4 months ago
Friday (4/26) Daisy has thrown up today. I think its time to give her some more anti-nausea medication. I have to wait until my husband gets here, because she fights me if I try doing it alone.
emily ✟
4 months ago
The appt for a demonstration to administer her B12 vitamin shot isn't until May 11, the day after Lily has her appointment. I was hoping to get it done sooner, but I have to take what they have.
emily ✟
4 months ago
I just kind of have to watch out for her.
Squeak =^..^=
4 months ago
emily ✟
4 months ago
Friday (May 10) Daisy did vomit today, but I believe it to be a hairball. She is eating new dry food, she absolutely does not like the wet food. So she eats Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet HF Hydrolyzed for Food Intolerance Grain-Free Dry Cat Food, a 7lb bag is $62, insane but for my girls, we will get it.
emily ✟
4 months ago
They both will eating it now. I am transitioning Lily from old food to new food. And measuring out as well.
emily ✟
4 months ago
Monday (May 14) Daisy is doing well. She threw up a rather large hairball. I guess that is good? I don't know. As long as its not in her anymore, thats what counts Then she was looking for a place to poop.
emily ✟
4 months ago
I don't know why she doesn't head straight into her box like she usually does. Its always after throwing up, she doesn't. I picked her up and put her in it though, and she went.
emily ✟
4 months ago
She did not dig a little hole, or cover it. She just went, and left the box. Its okay, I was there to clean out the litterbox anyway. My poor girl, breaks my heart when this happens to her.
emily ✟
4 months ago
I guess it comes with age?
emily ✟
3 months ago
Saturday (June 1) Daisy thre up a big hairball and her food poor baby. We had to push her B12 vitamin injection demonstration on July 6th because of the fridge breaking down.
emily ✟
3 months ago
Other than her pooping outside of the litterbox from time to time. I'm not crazy about that. I'd rather her do it on the basement floor as it's concrete (unfinished basement) than up here. It's easier to clean.
emily ✟
3 months ago
However, I would prefer she do her business in the litterbox. There is one in the basement, too. We think she may not be crazy about the covered litterbox.
emily ✟
3 months ago
I had a high walled litter box, but that girl can kick up litter.
emily ✟
3 months ago
I'm trying pellet mixed with litter, then going to try just pellet and see if she is better with that. Lily is adjusting fine. The only thing is Lily doesn't cover her poop. She digs a hole but doesn't go in the hole or cover it. Sometimes she'll go on top of the litter she moved, it's funny.
emily ✟
3 months ago
I deal with it and cover it for her. We are considering an auto litter box. I guess we will see how things go with the pellet litter.
3 months ago
You are a devoted and loving cat mom. I salute you Emily!😻👍
3 months ago
Yes! Get well Daisy!♥️♥️♥️
emily ✟
3 months ago
LilacBlossom: Thank you so much. I appreciate that.
3 months ago
you got it and keep an eye onher
emily ✟
3 months ago
Space_RangerOSA: I sure will.
emily ✟
2 months ago
Tomorrow is Daisy's appt for the demo on giving her the B12 injection. But we are having a hard time getting her to swallow the pill. It was in her mouth, I thought maybe she swallowed. She got loose and then dropped it out. Dang it. If she doesn't take them, I'll have to cancel her appt.
emily ✟
2 months ago
I'm going to try again. The pill was whole, so I'm letting it dry. Even with the pill pusher =/. It comes down to get swallowing it.
emily ✟
2 months ago
I don't want to give her liquid, or she'll spit it out. Oh dear Lord, please help me.
emily ✟
2 months ago
Yes!! The sneak behind her and kind of hug her worked. Now I just have to do the same tomorrow morning at 8 am. Three hours before her appt. Wish us luck.
emily ✟
2 months ago
In about an hour it should take effect if not sooner.
emily ✟
2 months ago
Last night went well with Daisy.
emily ✟
2 months ago
This morning. I was able to give it to her again in the same way. Which seems to be working much better. I reward her afterwards with a few little pieces from a slice of cheddar cheese.
emily ✟
2 months ago
Her appt is t 11 am, so we have enough time for it to take full effect and see if she will be as cooperative. I didn't want to give her two, so I am hoping the one was enough. Dear Lord, please let it be enough.
emily ✟
2 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/53NiA215uCu4AbsxdWJZbg.jpg https://images.plurk.com/529wmdUtbAgB1IkMhZoxdo.jpg https://images.plurk.com/JJ0tFvekW3kXEcfhfCfZQ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/ti5U3Gqh8Y094a4Ue63hc.jpg Daisy at the vet
emily ✟
2 months ago
We just left the vet. It went well. I administered her B12 vitamin shot successfully.
emily ✟
2 months ago
Now I give her 1 each Friday for 6 weeks. Then 1 every other week for 6 weeks, then once a month until further notice.
emily ✟
2 months ago
I forgot to give Daisy her shot yesterday. I gave it to her this morning. What kind of cat mom am I if I don't give her what she needs on schedule. Gee whiz.
emily ✟
2 months ago
As for this morning. I noticed she didn't get up to come sit with us for breakfast. She always does. She just laid on her side in the bathroom. About an hour later, she was still there. I took her to her chair at the table. She just kind of sat there, then tried to lay down. Then I picked her up and put her on our bed. She again laid down.
emily ✟
2 months ago
I am worried, yes. We needed to leave to go see our grandmother for her birthday. I decided to put a camera on her so I could monitor her.
emily ✟
2 months ago
i kind of wanted to stay home. But seeing my husband's grandmother is important too. She is not doing well. So we needed to go see her.
emily ✟
2 months ago
I pray that my little girl is just having a crappy day. I will be worrying until I get back home to her. I feel like crying now.
emily ✟
2 months ago
Please, Dear Lord, watch over my little girl Daisy. Please keep her comfortable, and whatever she is feeling will pass. Amen
emily ✟
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
8:00 am. Daisy has been doing well. Giving her B12 injections has been going well. She will get them once a month now. She hadn't been throwing up as much. A hairball once. This morning, just saliva. I can tell she's not feeling well. I got up at 4:39 am. to feed them. Lily usually wakes me. To my surprise, Daisy wasn't hungry.
emily ✟
1 months ago
My husband got up about 6:30 am. to get ready for as usual. She didn't ask for food.
emily ✟
1 months ago
Today, I have to put them both in carriers because of the home energy audit that's happening today at 10:30 am.
emily ✟
1 months ago
I hate putting them in a carrier, but I know it's necessary.
emily ✟
1 months ago
Her not feeling well has got me worried, but maybe she will sleep through it.
emily ✟
1 months ago
I hope it goes fast so I can get them out. August will be time for her yearly shots. So that's coming too.
emily ✟
1 months ago
8/16/2024 Daisy has gotten 6 shots so far of her B12 vitamin that I have been giving her, it has gone great. Now she will get it once a month, not sure for how long. I don't recall asking if this is just until I finished the bottle or forever. I better find out. It has helped, she throws up much less, thank you, Lord.
emily ✟
1 months ago
This is so me, forgetting. Ugh
emily ✟
2 weeks ago
9/2/2024 Daisy will be getting her shot next week. And in Nov she has an appt for her yearly shots. She is still throwing up from time to time. Sometimes it happens when she is napping out of nowhere, although that is rare. It still bothers me that it happens at all. I know they get hairballs, and some have been hairballs. Yesterday was no one. My poor girl.
emily ✟
1 weeks ago
9/9/2024 - Daisy got her b12 shot. I will give it to her once a month.
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