Louby has
16 years ago
to go outside,into the rain to check the mileage on her car. I'm changing my car and H needs the info ASAP. Glad to get rid of it!!
latest #18
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Ooh what are you getting to replace it?
Louby says
16 years ago
Luliriisi: Haven't decided yet, but something a lot smaller than what we have now. Just thinking ahead because of petrol prices.
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Good thinking. What do you have now then?
Louby says
16 years ago
Luliriisi: I have a mercedes A Class. I bought it last year but have never bonded with it. Not like my old Nissan Micra..I loved that.
Louby says
16 years ago
My H has a big Volvo, so we have re-evaluated things and decided to get a small family car for me - which I only use 2 or 3 times per wk..
Louby says
16 years ago
and as he travels a lot to work..and it is only him in the car, he's getting a Smart car. Will bring down tax and Ins on both counts
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Oooh I'm getting one of those sometime soon. I love it; it's the car that my driving instructor teaches me in. :-)
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
As in the A-Class.
Louby says
16 years ago
He did look into travelling my train but the trains are unreliable here..and too costly compared to petrol/parking.
Louby says
16 years ago
Makes me laugh when they try to encourage people to use public transport..all well and good but, it's rubbish!!
StueyKins says
16 years ago
rubbish???? I reckon you are being generous there... public transport sucks
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Oh I know. Another reason why I'm trying to get my license asap.
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Oh I know. Which is another reason why I'm trying to get my license asap.
Louby says
16 years ago
stueykins: I was being kind. Crap? Atrocious? Shite? (s_LOL)
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
Sorry, my connection's acting up, making me plurk twice.
Louby says
16 years ago
Luliriisi: I don't blame you. I used public transport for a loooong time until I passed my test (4yrs ago).
Luliriisi says
16 years ago
I just wish the parking was better over here.
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