latest #18
It’s ok to start over, people do it everyday. Trust your gut, it’s never wrong. Don’t depend on anyone, get it on your own that way it’s not thrown up in your face later.
listen to your body. If a place, person, group of ppl, situation, activity, even a certain type of food etc. brings you down or doesn’t make you feel good.. notice that & cut it off of your energy
Build your portfolio in your 20’s to set yourself up for passive income in your 30’s.
Validate yourself! Don't look for validation from other ppl!
That boy/girl will NOT save you. They will NOT bring you the happiness you seek. Only YOU can do that. Live for yourself and the rest will follow
It’s ok to still be confused about your “journey” none of us really know so to speak at any age really but if there’s one thing hope springs eternal always have hope and don’t dismiss bonds so easily none of us are replaceable
Ignore 99.9% of men and focus on yourself, get your money in order, your house in order, make fitness a priority and don’t get pregnant.
Dont take drugs / always keep your head up , trust no one in the game , invest money eveywhere you can but only with knowledge beforehand , be ready to be lonely & dont give your money to any man. Dont stop learning. No comfort zone while your grinding.
Other women are not your competition and when they win, you don't lose. Celebrating yourself and other women will lead to a happier life with more meaningful connections.
It’s ok to date! And I mean multiple people. Not having sex but date. Go to dinner, movies, dancing, walks, travel whatever. Don’t just jump into something. Take your time before you settle down.
This is the time to live your life, make mistakes and learn from them. Nobody is perfect. It’s ok if you don’t have it all together romantically. You’ll eventually find the one.
MOST MEN ARE NOT THE HILL THEY CLAIM TO BE!! Please work on yourself and goals enough to be with a man you want because you are ready and WANT to, not cos you need him to survive 🫶
Most men are genuine trash 🚮 keeping your standards sky-high is your way of weeding out one of the good ones.

You do not ‘age out’ at 30. You will still be super hot AND you’ll also have gained perspective and confidence by having taken the time to explore and come to know yourself.
Enjoy your 20s to the fullest! Be silly! Have fun! Do things for you and don’t let your family, fake friends, work or a man dictate your life now - or affect your future. You really do only get to live once, so live how you want to!
Say no to the things you don’t want to do. Often.
You are far more beautiful than you could possibly realise. Get rid of anyone who tells you differently or makes you feel small.
Never settle for a man that makes you feel less than. Never.
It’s okay to change your mind. It could be about your spirituality, a job, lover, feelings whatever it’s okay to change your mind. Also don’t be afraid to be bold and have the audacity to go after what you want in life. The best things in life are on the other side of fear.
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