To-do list for... maybe the next few days. Nice and bite-sized.
latest #21
House stuff: vacuuming, make J's birthday tarts thataretwoweekslatebcofhealthstuffoops, make granola
Paperwork: order namechange certificate, find ONE of my old language certificates and upload it to the software dev course application
(that course has 467 applicants so my chances are already Slim but why make them slimmer)
Personal: fire off at LEAST a "hey I haven't forgotten about you" email to Emily, listen to the songs Hal sent me, read Gally's fics and comment
Log into FFXIV for once and get goob mount for Phae and and Lorne at least
Writing: Continue to chip away at editing R's thing, at least crack open and re-read one of my two ongoing things
Assorted: keep de-google-fying tablet, scavenge for collage materials (digital), maybe... organize... a box...
oh yeah and remember to do my at least ten minutes of stretches a day lest the Agonies return
Ok that's a lot! But I ALREADY VACUUMED so I'm ever so slightly ahead of the game.
('bite-sized', they said overconfidently)
Did a ten minute mobility and stretch vid, contemplating an early evening walk even though it's like Silent Hill out there
(Well, not quite that bad, but deffo Silent Hill-lite)
Bonus object: walk and groceries complete! Unfortunately, it kind of made the Agonies worse. I think enough ice has melted I can switch from boots to sneakers because oughuoughogh my poor feet.
Songs listened to! I feel enriched. Also, hello cover of Good Riddance that made me cry???Hades - Good Riddance (Orchestra + Vocal Duet Cover)
(T shut down my overabundant waterworks for the most part, but sometimes something can REALLY get to me)
Uuuuggghhhh I don't wanna do anythiiiiing
2/4 characters have received pink goob
Runeberg tarts made and I am EXHAUSTED. They're so much work ; ;
Fell into The Pit for a day, dragged myself out, went for a walk today and then read those fics (which were Good) and am thinking that paaaart of my depression pit problem has been not enough sunlight
which is largely because every walkway was covered in thick, lumpy ice for a month and a half and thus a terrible hazard for my crippled ass to walk on
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