9 months ago
My brother and my niece have passed whatever hideous cold bug it is they had off to me. My nose is running a marathon, I have post-nasal drip to rival the Niagara Falls, my uvula has swollen up. Urgh. Blergh. Grr.
9 months ago
But I've swapped out iced coffee and diet coke for hot water with lemon, ginger, and honey and sparkling water. I've got mucinex, I've got a humidifier. I should be better soon.
Pinky Hood
9 months ago
Mucinex seems to do wonders so hopefully you can bounce back soon
9 months ago
angriestbird: It's definitely helped a lot with the runny nose/post-nasal drip situation! The last time something like this happened, I took to the Mucinex and humidifier and was better after three days. The cough lingered for a few weeks afterwards, but in my case, it always does.