Hooded Figure
5 months ago
[detroit become human] random thoughts while watching this....
latest #82
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*the best thing is watching letsplayers who have lived in Detroit because they're all "yooooo this bit is near my house! "
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*Connor constantly sounds like he's been either screaming for days or has just recovered from a painful sore throat, and the actor doesn't seem to sound like that normally (nor do other androids), so I can't stop wondering why the voice director made that decision??
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*Kamski is UTTER SCUM
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*the most important part of any game: you get to pet the dog<3
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*it's really interesting to compare the animation with bg3; the latter is so much more open-world, while the former integrates cut scenes with moving-around scenes much more seamlessly
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*(and also doesn't have the aesthetics issue of the inside of the mouth being too visible/lit)
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
(which is not a criticism, just something that bothers me specifically)
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*dbh does reward exploration in each mission area, but the game is so linear that most areas are exclusive to one mission
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*North doing the Great Escape tennis ball thing
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*Hank: "so do you plan on staying in that elevator?"
Connor: [exactly the opposite of Flynn's "yEaH?"]
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
????why is this a question did I miss something
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
What I get for missing out on Spongebob: everyone keeps saying they can't unhear Hank as Mr. Krabs (same actor), but I won't be able to unhear Mr. Krabs as Hank
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
*Ironic that humans use it/its for androids but literally all androids are designed to look masculine or feminine
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
(and swiftly revert to gendered pronouns after deviating)
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
help people In The Comments are arguing that Hank (canonically a millennial) is a boomer because he's old and then doubling down that millennial and boomer are age categories rather than birth-decade categories
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
was going to say something about how inconsistently death is handled when people can just be repaired and reactivated, but tbh the fact that restorative technology exists doesn't help if you can never expect to have access to it
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
If Connor had just stepped to one side and deviated the guy nearest to the elevator, 60 would have been too late to do anything, but nooooo, Connor had to walk all the way to the middle of the room first because he's that extra. And that's where 60 was waiting for him because 60 is identically extra.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
Hilarious that I primarily know Lance Henricksen (Carl) from Aliens, where he WAS an android :-D
5 months ago
so someone pointed out something a little... interesting? baffling? that the game might have the grumpy "you technokids get off my lawn" character's age be such that they fit right into the Grumpy Old Technoincompetent Guy stereotypes, but logically, he is a millennial... so the chances of him having the particular tech-grumps he does would be low.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
Yeah, there are definitely some... choices... made in some of the characterization XD
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
I wouldn't say millennials won't be technophobic, because there's always a new get-off-my-lawn I-like-the-familiar-one-better technology and there'll definitely be some more by the 2030s.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
He doesn't seem that technoincompetent to me, though; he just has issues with android technology and the way it's been deployed into society (and the universal experience of being annoyed at having to set passwords), and tbf a lot of those issues are what we're experiencing with today's "AI."
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
Technology being deployed to cynically tap into behavioral psychology in ways that maximize profit while "incidentally" increasing dependence and class inequality, stuff that would be legitimate issues even if the androids hadn't developed sapience.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
I wouldn't mind reading those remarks if they're public, though; I'm an observer from outside the fandom and it's always interesting to see people going in-depth about characterization!
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
They do lean into grumpy-old-Hank and I'd love to see what people say about how they did/didn't include his being a millennial.
5 months ago
oh, it was ages ago. I just thought it was kinda hilarious and stuck with me - especially since I haven't gotten into DBH myself. I think it might've been in a piece about the guy that made the game and how he certainly does make some choices, all right....
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
XD That definitely tracks.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
man, I bet there's so much fic based on how Kara can recover her memory if Zlatko succeeds in wiping it but she escapes and finds the relevant clues in time.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
and I bet there's an equal amount of "but that's a jury-rigged basement machine, regular wiped androids wouldn't be able to do that."
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
ah, being in fandom long enough to anticipate the currents. XD
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
Heroically resisting the urge to go down the how-they-could-have-fixed-it doomspiral. I wouldn't be able to find the same trove of meta critiques I read back when it was new and scrolling through algorithmic content would just be depressing.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
It's out there already; I don't have to rip my head open to lay out what was badly done.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
on the bad holocaust metaphors front, I did that already for Tron Legacy
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
Back in the day, we had to wade through communities IN THE SNOW UPHILL BOTH WAYS to find the discourse. It's much more accessible now, despite the drawbacks of algorithmic sorting, and I don't have to be the instructor. Enough to hold space for what I don't know and keep learning.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
Some nights you just have to swan-dive into the animatics.Better Than You - (Camp Camp/Detroit: Become Human)
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
not cool that the second yk500 was only seen in order to Make Kara Conflicted and then Kara just walks off and leaves this other child alone and we never find out what happened to her
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
same with the prone kid Markus saw earlier in the game; he was solely there To Make Markus Sad and then the actual problem of a kid shutting down was never revisited (tbc this happened to a bunch of adults too but it was just egregeous to do it with kids)
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
did they escape the explodey sinking boat full of armed hostiles? We Just Don't Know
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
(unless they show up in a later scene and I don't know about it!)
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
Hank: Sumo, attack!
Sumo: bwoofs, tailwag :-D
5 months ago
Sumo sounds adorable
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
he IS~~
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
he's a St Bernard and he's ENORMOUS and very chill
5 months ago
That sounds delightful!
(julientel on tumblr)
5 months ago
Awww, what a friend!
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
beautiful and extremely accurate
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
if anything it undersells how HUGE Sumo is<3
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
all the letsplays I've seen so far have had Connor learn his name before meeting him; I wonder what would happen if he didn't
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
man, the number of letsplayers who initially aren't sure how to pronounce Io (the Galilean moon) because the font makes it look like 10
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
and a lot of them didn't focus their nerdery on Solar System objects like I did and didn't know Io was a thing
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
always good to remember that there is so much to know that it's very easy for peoples' spheres of knowledge to just not overlap here and there
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
they are that day's lucky 10,000th person who is now learning about Io~
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
5 months ago
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
to be entirely fair to them I only know of Io from my (short and sawed-off) Clarke phase at 9-ish so yeah man, knowledge accrues!
and getting to be the lucky 10kth customer is such a fun feeling!
there's stuff left to know in the world, and it's usually beautiful stuff! (I am agreeing at you excitedly because this is affection in ADHD, let me know if I need to stop (heart)
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
yes exactly, that one xkcd strip always gives me That Feeling~ and look, I have neeped excitedly at you for exactly the same reasons, you are always welcome to be AAAAA about things in here
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
such as: I think I first heard "neepery" from Neil Gaiman but was today years old when I looked it up and found
Trivia or highly-detailed information, especially that which an author includes in a work of fiction as a result of research
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
From neep-neep, slang for a computer enthusiast, which reportedly arose at the California Institute of Technology in the 1970s.
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
this just in: Flynn and co. definitely knew this word and used it all the time
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
but yeah look at this pretty pretty nonsense moon. this is going on up there all the time.:-D
5 months ago
Neep-neep??? that's so fun oh my gosh
Hooded Figure
5 months ago
it really is! :-D
5 months ago
Yeah! 🤭
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
ok, my personal Minor Beef(tm) with the animation is the painting scene. The brush touches the palette like a virtual brush selecting a color from a jpg. The paint on the palette is utterly flat with no texture or lumps; it's picked up dry and no new paint is ever put on it and no water is ever used.
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
Today in Things That Don't Work Like that, etc.
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
It'd be convenient if it did, but it doesn't. XD
4 months ago
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
I get why the pacing doesn't allow for the paint to be an actual minigame, but so much of the rest of the game is so realistic that it really stands out to me.
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
The game does have a bunch of genuine humor. When Connor looks in the interrogation room mirror and the cops on the other side are just ???????? (haha)
4 months ago
This popped up on the Tumblr radar and I thought of our discussion:

Hooded Figure
4 months ago
4 months ago
It's so cute!
2 months ago
Another cute goodie from Tumblr:

AliaZen's Art
Hooded Figure
2 months ago
Heee, what a good cuddlepile! :-D<3
2 months ago
So good! <3!
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