5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
[COMMISSIONS] so for the second time in three months, I find myself at the emergency vet. I should be able to afford this in the moment but not so much the bills coming up at the beginning of the month. DETAILS WITHIN
(thing i forgot, each additional character is +half base price)
ETA: less of an emergency than previously thought! Commissions still open
latest #47
5 months ago
5 months ago
I dont have any samples on hand atm as I'm currently at the vet, BUT I have a link to my Deviantart in my profile for anyone curious. I'll toss samples into this plurk once im home
5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
No caps on how many commissions I'll accept atm since, y'know, EMERGENCY, just understand that if I happen to get a lot of them that it may take some time for me to get through them as I also work full time.
5 months ago
Replurks are of course appreciated y'all are fabulous humans
5 months ago
Oh yea contact, my email is on my commission sheet, you can pm this plurk or message me on discord at mummifiedsalarian
is it time to commission that shitpost I wanted
5 months ago
I always love a good shitpost
went to your dA. really nice stuff!
5 months ago
THANKS, I havent uploaded anything in forever I need to get on that lol
5 months ago
UPDATE: the financial situation at the vet isnt nearly as bad as I was expecting so there is less urgency for commissions! Still keeping them open though, I could always use the extra help with bills and rent lol
How much to add a character to a piece?
5 months ago
LoneWolfPrincess balls I knew I forgot to update this with SOMETHING MY BAD. I might revisit this when I have more time in the future but for now I'm going to say each additional character is + half of the original cost just to keep it simple in my head lol
5 months ago
5 months ago
Cat update for the curious not on my timeline, he seems to be feeling a lot better so far today. I took him in last night for a urethral blockage which they were able to clear and he has a follow up with my usual vet this afternoon
5 months ago
i am very relieved I don't like it when my meowster doesn't feel good
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
glad kitty is going to be ok! and omg i love the term meowster
5 months ago
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
oh he's making air biscuits isn't he
5 months ago
he iiiiiiis he makes air biscuits all the time
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
Rizzaria 🔥
5 months ago
Rizzaria 🔥
5 months ago
glad the little man is doing well
Rizzaria 🔥
5 months ago
everyone should still commission Ryo tho
5 months ago
His name is Hobo, he was a stray that hung out around my neighbor's porch until I got home from work and made eye contact with him while getting out of my car after work one day. A couple weeks later I heard him yelling outside my door when it was freezing out. I opened it and he walked in and he never left so I have this cat now
5 months ago
He's chill around people and super affectionate like you never would have guessed he was a stray
Rizzaria 🔥
5 months ago
he's probably stray in the sense that he grew up around people and either got lost/dumped rather than feral in that he was born and raised away from people outdoors
if we're not in emergency territory, I will reach out at the beginning of the month because my shitpost evolved in my head and might be two characters instead
5 months ago
thesinnerwithin sounds good to me!
5 months ago
goatlegs my guess is he must have been abandoned by an old tenant or something. one of the maintenance guys told me that the guy that used to live in the apartment directly behind me used to leave food out for the strays so that could have also attracted him? IDK it is a mystery
Rizzaria 🔥
5 months ago
ALL IS PLAUSIBLE but the most important thing is that hobo is yours now and he's a good boy
5 months ago
he is MY BOI
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
idek him and i love him
5 months ago
he is a beautiful boy and i also love him
Corgi Gams
5 months ago
y'all should commission Ryo because she does fantastic work
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
i actually might be looking to get some oc art created in the near-ish future!
5 months ago
I do love drawin' me some OCs
seasaltalchemist: did you come here from my replurk lmao
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
thesinnerwithin no actually! this got replurked onto my timeline by someone else. if you had also replurked it this is news to me
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
though that's a valid question as you and i have several friends in common
Mɪɴᴀᴍɪɴᴏ 🌹
5 months ago @Edit 5 months ago
oh that's funny, I always doubletake when you pop up in plurks. but Ryo is great and you should get a commission!
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
gotta wait til funds are available, but i have a dnd character i wanna commission art of, plus i'm working on a story that i'd like to get character art for at some point.
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
that said i always double take when i see you in plurks too haha
coffee gremlin☕
5 months ago
anyway friend request sent so that when i do have funds for commishes i can come back and request them
5 months ago
ADDED also mega big thanks for all the replurks, clearly they are working lol
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