[Yellow VC] The two types of trainers in the Indigo Plateau lobby: 1: the kind that's been building a team gradually and just hits up the healer and goes right on through 2: the type that hogs the PC for ages and sifts through piles of TMs last second
latest #20
my Red playthrough started with a plan so it was the first
Yellow...did the latter and then flew back to Celadon real quick for some extra shopping
oh right I need to actually use these PP Ups
hahahahaha I got the fly/dig paralysis exploit
temporarily invulnerable Moltres until I run out of everything but Fly
I'm not going to win this run since I didn't bring enough Revives...but that was funny
appreciate Yellow's revised movesets on the E4's teams
and yeah, failed to clear Lance since all my answers to his Aerodactyl were down from the start because no revives oops
should probably grind a bit too
Still a little underleveled. Got swept by Dragonite. Will grind more.
Hyper Beam skipping recharge on KO, I will not miss you.
my Omastar could've tanked it but the AI reads switchouts flawlessly and had Thunder ready instead (:
never mind its target had I NOT switched would've been Pikachu
(should've stayed on them tbh)
THERE we go!
just have to grab Mewtwo, and decide on a lucky boxful of Pokemon to move on
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