Hooded Figure
4 months ago
[the matrix] Thinking about how iconic the first one is.
latest #10
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
"Morpheus is fighting Neo!"
"I told you not to worry about it."
"Not like this."
"You're empty." "So are you."
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
(Still mad about Switch forever.)
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
"You hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability."
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
"The door on the left! No, your other left!"
"Everybody falls the first time. Right, Trin?"
"C'mon, stop trying to hit me, and hit me!"
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
"You think that's air you're breathing now?"
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
The amount I wanted to be Morpheus and also have people as supportive as Morpheus in my life.
Hooded Figure
4 months ago
Everyone deserves to have someone go "at last [approval]" when they walk into a room.
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