it me
4 months ago
[ Happy Pride! + HB ] I’m pan + NB/transmasc.

And, speaking of gay, how about that new Helluva Boss episode? Hooboy.
latest #39
it me
4 months ago
That was actually a tough watch for me, seeing realistic trauma responses from two characters with rejection / abusive trauma.
it me
4 months ago
But, at the same time, I deeply appreciate the thought and care that went into writing that exchange.
it me
4 months ago
It’s funny, because I see so much of my own experience in both characters and how they express it. I relate to Blitzø’s experience and how he processes, but also Stolas in how he outwardly expresses it / interacts with the people that he cares about.
it me
4 months ago
Both responses were valid, in their own way, but just clashed terribly because of misunderstanding and difference of perspective
it me
4 months ago
I’m probably going to have to steer away from reading discussions about it on social media tho, because it seems most of the fan base is hating on one side or the other, or making assumptions without looking at the bigger picture or understanding the intricacies of trauma response lol
4 months ago
yeah... I really like them both, but wow do I feel bad for Stolas.... :-(
4 months ago
poor birb....
it me
4 months ago
Yeah, same. Poor, soft birb.
it me
4 months ago
For him, that was probably the worst case scenario in his mind. Blitzø just echoed everything that he’s ripped on himself for, plus shit he’s heard since long before the divorce. All he could do was shut down.
Yeahhhh the hate I've been seeing at Blitz is something else I'm just like they're both messy and broken their sharp edges are clashing..
it me
4 months ago
Yup. I mean, the fact that Blitzø begged for another chance while trying to give the crystal back should’ve been a pretty big hint lol
it me
4 months ago
I’ve seen pretty equal hate for both sides tho
Yeahh I startedd seeing a lot of Stolas hate and I'm just like - they're both in valid places with how they reacted but they both did things wrong. Characters have to have flaws to grow or the story is flat as fuck
it me
4 months ago
Yup. And those same people were complaining that the writers “retconed” Stolas in S2. As though they weren’t trying to create some character growth and story progression lol
it me
4 months ago
I’m thinking they weren’t going to be happy with anything
Considering those are probs the same people all like "I waited 7 months for that trash" you're likely right
it me
4 months ago
Lmao this fandom
it me
4 months ago
ok the fandom isn’t all bad lol
4 months ago
.....why does that look so comfortable????
it me
4 months ago
Nightsail: great way to work out those knots
it me
4 months ago
maybe not the best thing to say on a borderline furry show lol
it me
4 months ago
Also, I was just thinking-- Stolas is tied into that festival in Wrath. The one that is most likely designed for the imps to kill each other off, so there’s less food consumed and more to ship around the other six rings
4 months ago
I shouldn't have read that while drinking.... ilu
it me
4 months ago
Nightsail: LMAO oh no, I’m sorry
4 months ago
it me
4 months ago
it me
4 months ago
As for the thoughts re: the festival, I imagine that the figures above Stolas are going to be pissed that he’s making himself look like an imp sympathizer
it me
4 months ago
He’s gonna be boned when Mammon outs Ozzy. I’m just curious to know if Stolas gets lumped in somehow, or his bro in the law casually throws in that Ozzy isn’t the only one shaking up with hell’s lowest working class
it me
4 months ago
“in the law”... phone, why
I mean in the rest of the Hellvaerse they don't really seem to react to imps - it'll likely end with Mammon and Satan taking sides against Ozzie (and probs Bee since she's dating Tex who is seen just as lesser) but then again gestures at Lucifer I can't see him caring much so eventually Hell'll likely end up restructure
it me
4 months ago
I’m guessing it to be a working class / hierarchical thing. I can’t remember where it was mentioned, but imps were supposedly the lowest on the ladder, then it changed to one up over hellhounds
it me
4 months ago
I did forget about Bee dating Tex, and that wasn’t a deal at all. Very interesting. I wonder if it’s just regarded as taboo when it’s goetia fraternizing outside of their class
it me
4 months ago
Well, goetia/royalty
it me
4 months ago
And it would be great for Lucifer to be like “what. I don’t fucking care.” And just tell them all to go sit in their respective corners and knock it off.
it me
4 months ago
Even better if he rolls his eyes and reworks things.
Yeah like it seems like the only people that really care are snooty people like the Goetia and the occasional other demons from different circles. Granted we don't know the full fall out from Fizz and Ozzie but for the most part it seems to be selective pockets
lucifer literally would not care most likely he'd just be like "Yes and, stfu Mammon?"
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