[ 派 ]
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
[dup] a very silly post and character voices within :3c
latest #33
[ 派 ]
3 months ago
Johnny Rayflo is voiced by Fujiwara Keiji (KH's Axel, HxH's Leorio, FMA's Hughes)
you can hear him here (the 45seconds or so after the timestamped moment is a great snippet of his different moods but also that video is actually the whole OVA if anyone is interested!!)
[ 派 ]
3 months ago
but since he's technically European, he's like... ... imagine it as like... Ambiguous European Accent... Fujiwara Keiji equivalent
[ 派 ]
3 months ago
Artemis 's PB is Jeff Satur and his voice is a little harder to pin down because I would love to just say yes his voice is Jeff's too but Jeff's Satur's voice pitches lower when he speaks English
[ 派 ]
3 months ago
his singing voice (this is a short) is a p good example of Artemis's though! And for a full-length song...Jeff Satur - Fade【English Version】
[ 派 ]
3 months ago
And he speaks proper Old Money Posh British English! Though I know I definitely have Americanisms in the way I write him (yay) but also I justify that away as him having bopped around the States for a few years before he got stuck in Dup and having picked that up
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
I might drop Johnny sometime soonish hmmmm
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
I'd miss playing him esp off of Dorian but I think Dorian (and possibly Huaisang) would be the only person/people to really be aware that he's gone hmmmmmm
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
I'll think about it some more
Alpha Hole
2 months ago
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
I'll think about it some more when I'm not having hormone-driven "I'm a terrible writer and player and no one with to play with me" feels jdhfjdjdha period times are the worst times to make any sort of decision
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
I know he and Chris don’t have much in the way of CR, but I’d miss seeing him around. It’s been fun as an old OLD Johnny player myself. He’s a dumb joy and you play him well from the things I’ve stalked
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
Lysoke: djfjfjfhskaj I didn't mean to ask for buttpats but I APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH NONETHELESS
LOOK do whatever makes your heart and brain happy!! But whether you keep him or not, I wanted you to ~know~
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
Lysoke: thank you!!!!
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
the brain thinks i should cut my losses and drop him but the heart is like noooo which is the current problem
2 months ago
I think doing what makes you happy is best!!!
Alpha Hole
2 months ago
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
I'll keep thinking about it. It's not like there's any sort of rush
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
but thank you guys I was just having some feels this morning
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
unrelated but Rocksintreetops I don't think Artemis knows about him contracting Eponine yet so they should chat about that sometime! (IF YOU WANT definitely not necessary)
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
Could also have happened offscreen if you think they would've but don't want to backdate that far
2 months ago
piecrumbs: I'm ok with saying it happened offscreen since the actual contracting was all offscreen anyways
2 months ago
If you want I can drop a comment in Artemis's inbox from Dera like a little update also an invite to come over or he can come over idk I'm NEVER ever gonna turn down an opportunity for more tags from you even if we backdate it by a whole year, dude
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
He might bring it to
Next time they chat like "how's it going?"
2 months ago
Sounds good to me! 8D
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
OH I MISSED YOUR SECOND REPLY yes do that let's do thattttt i love it when they hang out
[ 派 ]
2 months ago
How did my silly post become so heavy
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