they used to sell edible donuts
now they sell chewy, undersized rings that're drenched in wet sugar, with a thin layer of barely-flavored sugar goop on top.
if I lost my mind and wanted that trash, I'd pick up one of the cardboard boxes of them and buy that.
I used to love Krispy Kreme, but the past few years the quality has not been all that great
(also they discontinued my fave flavor. So.)
my tastes err on the sweet side, but using the flimsiest of misuses of flour like that, as a vessel for little more than wet sugar is just... gaaaag. ugh. idk, man. I have yet to have a Krispy Kreme donut that's half as good as the ones at the freaking gas station.
and I have had them fresh
have you ever had one .... nebver mind then
we have a Krispy Kreme shop here.
That was how I used to love them best, when they used to give you a fresh hot one off the line while you were waiting to order
we've had good donut shops here
Golden Donuts is on my route home, but they were out of the butterfly donuts I love so much
I've gotten very picky about donuts recently. Mostly demonstrated by the fact that I do nut eat them much at all any more
what a shocker you like butterfly donuts, lol
(read: super fluffy cinnamon rolls, no raisins, with maple frosting, and peanuts on top)
Anywhom. I poof. maybe I'll dream of donuts
...... I have comments. They will have to wait
don't knock it 'till you try it.
and ugh now I know what tomorrow's project will be. BREAD DOUGH and then making my own (baked) apple fritters. maybe steamed, to keep them soft. hmmmm. ....I have apples that've gotten all leathery and need to be dealt with....
there's also another amazing local one here, Dino's Donuts ("dee-no", not "die-no" as in dinosaur, lol. I know, I know...) that're fantastic, speaking of apple fritters.... they do blueberry fritters, too! omg so good....
Butterfly donuts sound amazing
Huh. my favorite KK donut is the cake donut and I keep ordering those. XDa; and they still taste the same
Okay so my comments:
cinnamon rolls are good, but they're not doughnuts
I love raions but who puts them in cinnamon rolls?!
I love maple frosting on a cinnamon roll but mom would hate it
I am not a fan of actual bits of peanuts in anything other than peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches, so ew.
"not donuts" lol, depends on how they're done, imho. they kinda straddle that line, for me, tbh. these aren't the kind with a crust or anything, they're as soft as any donut.
....I took a pic of it last time I got one, because I remember trying to look for pics of them and failing... and then forgot to post it... XD