5 months ago
So last night, the campaign I’ve been in for far too long unexpectedly wrapped up on us. No one at the table realized it was coming except the DM as we all thought there was at least two sessions left. It was very anti-climactic and has left the players feeling lukewarm at best about the whole thing.

Sad trumpet sounds all around.
latest #14
5 months ago
5 months ago
decimalplaces: Big oof. Could not tell you what the storyline even was because it didn’t really make sense by the end.
5 months ago
I suspect there was a lot of “avant-garde” ideas going on by the DM that maybe could have used a second pass and set of eyes to look over because yeah, no one at the table knew what was going on and then a “That’s all folks!” From the blue
yuh oh. I guess they choked
5 months ago
I wish that was the case but nooo, they nee just kind of a snob about “art”
oh. so it was like one of those movies where the plot makes no sense and you're left going "huh" at the end but it was acclaimed as high art
5 months ago
Pretty much, yeah. Started off making sense then got into philosophical and moral questions about what the nature of hope is and the meaning of life and death as well as some other stuff that, frankly, had nothing to do with the main story and no one at the table cared about at all.

And nothing got resolved which was the biggest sin of all
jesus christ
tbh i LIKE that kind of movie usually but as a dnd campaign its a no from me!
5 months ago
decimalplaces: Yuuuup. Right there with you. In a movie, great. In a dnd game, hard pass. I like a clear ending.
tell us what happen. tell us everyone live happy ever after the end.
5 months ago
It’s really not hard but nope. We got nothing, at all!
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