1 months ago
I worked out something about myself this week. So I had tried audible in the past, but it was mainly to listen to one specific book and I was kind of like, ok done that now. So I closed the account, but then decided to join the library, and realised, I cannot do audio ebooks if they are fiction, only if biographies etc otherwise its weird, if it is fiction
latest #18
1 months ago
then I don't want one persons voice in my head for many many hours, I am just fine with reading it as a book/ebook myself and having my own one voice in my head imagining what they may sound like etc
1 months ago
anyone else notice that, or you can do both just fine?
1 months ago
Audible for auto biographies. Barbra Streisand narrated her own book, so glad I listened to it, instead of reading it myself. But all other types of books? A definite read.
1 months ago
I think it really depends on the audio narrator and how good they are, also if the book uses multiple narrators. I think it also depends on what you are doing. I have recently listed to the entire seven sisters audio series and almost all the narration was excellent, the Sun sister I hated it. The narration style was too much and over the top.
1 months ago
Claire Foy did Homecoming by Kate Morton and she was outstanding, Jessica Whitaker did the Book that wouldn't burn also she was fantastic.
1 months ago
I have read the Discovery of Witches and listened to a few samples and I am kind of meh of the narrator
1 months ago
I do both. I listen while I work to distract my brain. Now I have a hard time reading without the audio sensory experience because my brain has wired that
I love both reading and listening, I just got Audible and now listen to many of my favourites and also new stuff. Tho much depends on the narrator, if I don't like the voice and style of reading I don't listen
1 months ago
These days I have no time to sit down and read but I have a decent amount of time to listen while I do laundry or tidy or yard work. Audio books have been a lifeline for me, but some narrators are definitely better than others
1 months ago
LailaLaP: Yes loving the Auto Biographies narrated by themselves, Graham Norton is Awesome and Paris Hilton was a surprise and Michelle Obama is so good too.
1 months ago
SparkleSkye: I think it does depend, I tried listening to a Jack Reacher and I just couldn't lol but I remember listening to a classic on pirates years ago ,and it was fun and playful
1 months ago
anywhereexcepthere: that is interesting, I am listening while doing other things for sure, I haven't cracked a book so to speak since so far, so it will be interesting
1 months ago
Sisch: Oooo you made me wonder now what it would be like to listen to something I have actually already read, like visiting an old friend, that is very cool
1 months ago
SiyuSuen: I usually read before bed, or if in the car waiting, that is why one Jack Reacher book has taken me almost a year to read because ive been reading it 3 pages at a time lol I used to have three books going a week before i discovered the internet damnit lol
1 months ago
Haha yeah back when I had a commute I devoured paperbacks and read and reread my favorites. I've been lucky to have WFH occupations for a long time now and I love it, but it makes reading a luxury
1 months ago
Some audiobooks go so far as to do dramatized versions like old radio shows used to do, with music and sound effects and whole casts
1 months ago
I enjoyed the Murder Bot series by Martha Wells, and The Expanse series by James SA Corey, they both have narrators who suit the content and provide an appropriate voice for the characters
1 months ago
SiyuSuen: awesome thank yyou
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