shifty & hooded
1 months ago
I went to pick up a gift card for the club from the brewhouse and made a friend
latest #20
shifty & hooded
1 months ago
Her name is Bianca, which. Of course it is.
@ on discord!
1 months ago
oh its a baby
shifty & hooded
1 months ago
She demanded pets
@ on discord!
1 months ago
i love boids
@ on discord!
1 months ago
@ on discord!
1 months ago
even if they're nippy and ill-tempered
@ on discord!
1 months ago
but ESPECIALLY if they love pets
chaotic evil babies...
@ on discord!
1 months ago
they can have soooo much personality it's amazing
tits mcgee
1 months ago
An birb!
shifty & hooded
1 months ago she liek chip
omg the chip photo
GG May Cry
1 months ago
why i otter
1 months ago
My name is bird
And wen it nite
I get some pets
As is my rite
I give u this
A litl tip
To keep me hapy
Giv me the chip
1 months ago
Ahhh so cute!
shifty & hooded
1 months ago
Ottergirl: thunderous applause
Lady Stardust
1 months ago
Birb friend!
GG May Cry
1 months ago
Ottergirl GOOD WORK
why i otter
1 months ago
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