1 months ago
Put your favorite overnight oats mix ins here
latest #8
1 months ago
I hate getting up even earlier in the morning to make breakfast so I'm trying something NEW
Becca Stareyes
1 months ago
I used to do honey and cinnamon. Or chai masala (the spice mix for chai tea). I also tended to microwave my overnight oats, and use less milk, so the texture was more like cooked rice.
Rizzaria 🔥
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Peanut butter and whatever nuts I’m into atm (including deez)
Corgi Gams
1 months ago
Cinnamon, honey, and chia seeds
Corgi Gams
1 months ago
Top with fresh fruit (though frozen might work? Idk)
1 months ago
Ive done peanut butter, cinnamon and chia seeds together and it was pretty killer, honey and chai sound pretty fucking good too
1 months ago
I was bummed when I finally realized that I just don't like hot oatmeal but overnight oats saved oats for me lol
Corgi Gams
1 months ago
overnight oats are amazing
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