gremlin wife
1 months ago
Chores tracking plurk, b/c I have GOT to get some shit done today
latest #12
gremlin wife
1 months ago
1. Towels in the washer
2. Towels moved to the dryer
3. Other load of towels in the dryer folded
gremlin wife
1 months ago
4. Crushed cans for recycling
gremlin wife
1 months ago
5. Worked on a reel for IG
6. Folded the newly-dry towels too
gremlin wife
1 months ago
gremlin wife
1 months ago
7. Unloaded the dishwasher
gremlin wife
1 months ago
8. Rinsed the truly absurd backlog of cans
gremlin wife
1 months ago
9. Put all the towels away
10. Sorted my laundry and brought a basket downstairs
11. Started the load immediately instead of putting g it down for later
gremlin wife
1 months ago
12. Started my next big needlefelt project while the laundry ran
13. Put the laundry in the dryer
gremlin wife
1 months ago
14. Folded the laundry that dried and tossed the stuff that didn't quite dry back in for a little longer
gremlin wife
1 months ago
15. Progressed to here on my felt thing:
gremlin wife
1 months ago
Now it's time for 🔥 DINNER BREAK 🔥
gremlin wife
1 months ago
16. Walmart run
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